We got up on the 26th and did Christmas with my parents. My sister, Lee, Hayley and Rylee had been there since Friday.
My parents usually assign each kid and grandkid a certain color of wrapping paper but with 8 people that was getting a little tough. You never know what color you are until you start passing out gifts. This year everyone was assigned a number and we didn’t know what number we were until the little kids started passing out numbers. My dad made number tags that everyone had to wear.
The kids got lots of fun things from my parents and sister. They got Leap Pads from my parents which they think are neat. Will seems to have caught on but I think it might take Lindy a little longer to figure this one out. She does well on her iXL so I think she’ll get the hang of it soon. The kids got some clothes, more Magnatiles, cars and a car case and a pirate ship. Will got an ambulance that he played with all week. Lots of fun new stuff!
After presents and everyone getting ready, we had our traditional Christmas dinner – prime rib! Yummy! One of my favorite meals all year! Dad and Lee smoke the prime rib and my mom makes my grandmother’s special rolls. A favorite for sure!
The memo boards I made for Hayley.
It was a very piratey Christmas for Lindy!
The memo board I made for Rylee. The only gift she liked that we gave her. She voiced her disapproval of the other things she opened.
The canvas I had made for Amy.
Lee was there, I just didn’t get a picture of him. Although he did have to fly home on Monday night because the FDA decided to conduct a big inspection at work. He flew back in on Friday morning but missed the whole week of family togetherness. (He’s probably secretly thanking the FDA!)
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