Lindy woke up at 7:10am on Christmas morning and then we woke up Will. He was not excited to be woken up, but did perk up a little when we asked if he thought Santa came.Growing up my parents always made us stop on the stairs and take a pictures. With our move this summer we got steps in our house and therefore we had our first ‘stop on the stairs’ picture. Lindy was being so silly!
Crazy lady was having a blast bumping down the stairs.
The kids came down to see what Santa had left them.
They both got a little card table and chairs. Will got cars and trucks and a little ramp and garage toy. Lindy got a laptop and some fake blackberries. She’s my technologically advanced child.
She got right to work on her laptop.
Will was very excited about his stocking items! I wish we were all so excited by socks, underwear, forks, etc.
The kids played with their Santa toys while Drew and I opened our gifts.
Strangely enough there are no pictures of me on Christmas morning. I did get a couple gifts, just no pictures of me opening them. Drew got some nice gifts too. A tie from the kids and some clothes.
Then the kids had a few boxes from us to open.
We had a nice Christmas morning. We eventually got around and got ready and waited for more family to come over to celebrate!
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