Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Backing It On Up

Over two weeks without a post?  Might be a record.  We’ll back up to the week after Aunt Anna’s wedding for this post.

Here is what I remember.  Monday the 17th was World Prematurity Day and our house went purple for preemies.  I also got a local building in town to go purple with their lights so we rode downtown after supper to see it.  It is called the Reynolds Building and it is a smaller version of the Empire State Building.  The ESB was built to look like our little Reynolds Building.  It was pretty cool to see it with purple lights!

On Wednesday the 19th, Lindy lost her 6th tooth.  She got up and was messing with it while getting ready.  She pushed back on it and it popped out and she swallowed it!  She was so upset and the poor girl turned on the water works.   I finally got her calmed down by assuring her we would just write a note to the tooth fairy.  She told everyone ‘The bad news’ that morning on the way into school.

Thursday the 20th, we had Lindy’s annual review for her IEP.  Her meetings have come so far.  The room used to be completely packed and they lasted hours.  This day there were 7 people and it lasted an hour!  Nothing major changed.  Her vision teacher is going to work with her on technology more and her hearing teacher is going to work on Lindy putting her hearing aids in by herself, knowing when her batteries are not working right and realizing the difference of when the FM is on and off. 

Thursday the 20th was a big day as it was also Will’s Thanksgiving Day play and feast.  His teacher did a little play and then they sang some songs.  After the play we all shared a pretty tasty lunch together.  I went early and helped the kids get into costumes.  The kids got to pick which part they wanted to play.  There were about 6 to choose from and Will chose to be a turkey.  This was before he saw the costume.  The boy who hates costumes had the part with the biggest costume.  He didn’t enjoy it but he sucked it up and pulled it off.  He had to wear it for the play and songs and he immediately took it off!

Friday night we did something new and pretty cool (but I was really the only one who thought so! ha!).  A local park in town has a huge light display every Xmas and from Nov 22-Jan 1 people ride through it and look at the lights.  We’ve gone every year for many years.  We have gone in our car, on the church bus, in a wagon.  We had gone all the different ways – until Friday night when we added walking through it to the list!  The night before it opens they have a fundraiser for a local program that provides art to kids at our local children’s hospital.  We met up with the Bryants and we walked through the lights.  I thought it would be a good way for Lindy to see them but I really don’t know how much attention she actually paid.  She had a glow stick and was busy with that.  We brought the stroller and that was almost the death of our kids.   Everyone but our kids walked and although we were cold, we certainty didn’t freeze to death.  The kids apparently did freeze to death.  Even with multiple layers on and a blanket over them.  Will’s feet were so cold he was crying.  I think he’d have done better if he had walked.  They were not happy campers at the end.  At least Katie and I had fun! ha! 

Saturday afternoon we had our last home Wake Forest football game.  The sun was shining but it was a bit chilly outside.  We had a delicious tailgate with our family, Bob and Jamie.  The skeleton crew was there for the game.  We cheered them on to a tie at the end of regulation and then we left.  I had to either move to sunshine or leave because 3 of us were cold.  We ended up leaving but Wake ended up winning. 

The best event to happen that week was Sunday night.  We went and saw Garth Brooks!!!!!  It was so good!  We met up with my roommate from college for dinner and the concert.  Cathy and I have seen Garth together 4 times now.  We saw him three times in college in Richmond, WS, and Chapel Hill.  Now we can add Greensboro to our list.  It was such an awesome show.  He is my favorite singer ever. Always has been and always will be.  It was so much fun!  Our kids stayed at our neighbors’ house for a few hours and then she brought them down and put them in bed.

And finally, a few pics of the week.

World Prematurity Day.  Purple for Preemies
Purple selfies!
Reynolds Building going Purple for Preemies!IMG_6023
One of Will’s Keva plank creationsDSC_1882
Girl in a cute outfit who has taken to posing in my pictures.DSC_1886
The tooth fairy comes even when you swallow your tooth!DSC_1889
A very unhappy turkey!
The whole flock of turkeys!IMG_6053DSC_1899
Whew, he got to take it off!DSC_1905DSC_1906
It was all fun and games in the car before the walk through the Festival of Lights!DSC_1908
Being silly with Micah.DSC_1909
The boys staying warm!DSC_1911
Light displays up close!DSC_1913DSC_1915
Some of the short time he did walk with Micah.DSC_1916DSC_1920
Can you even see Will in there?  DSC_1922
Silly girl!
Our spirit fingers helped the Deacs win!IMG_6069IMG_6078
Oh yeah, we were ready!
Cathy and I.  Roommates forever!  Garth fans forever! ha!IMG_6099
Counting Down

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