I had just woken up and was thinking of getting out of bed and getting things ready to wake up the kids when we heard Lindy yell for us. What? I wasn’t ready! We tried getting her out of the room without waking Will but that didn’t work. They were both awake but had strict orders to stay in their beds until we were ready. I had to go get the cameras and turn the Christmas tree lights on before anything could happen.
Soon after we let the kids bump down the stairs, holding hands (so that Will doesn’t get too big a head start on Lindy). I think they were a little shocked about what Santa had brought them. Santa brought them their very own Jeep Wrangler – Fisher Price Power Wheels Style, of course! They had never driven one and had only recently seen one so they didn’t really know what it did or what fun it would be. Will also asked Santa for Dominoes – which he got – straight from our game cabinet!. Lindy also asked for a duck. We have no clue where this came from but she did get a stuffed duck (and goose. From the Tad Williams books, Duck and Goose.) They also got stockings full of goodies.
We took a break for traditional Crozier Christmas cinnamon and orange rolls and then we went back to opening presents. It was a fun morning for all. Once we were all dressed we let the kids drive their new Jeep out in the garage. I wish I had a picture of the first time Will hit the gas! It was so funny! We just let them drive in the garage, which is fairly small so it was a little hard to turn. He got the hang of it pretty well. Then we let wild thang drive! If there was an O Sh** handle then Will would have been hanging onto it! She loved it but she needs to learn to look up and look where she is going!
Christmas Sleepy Heads!At this point we lost him. He laid down to read and we had to remind him to finish opening his stocking. Exactly like his father.
Santa’s cookies and milk were all gone!
Lindy loaded her whole stocking in the back of the Jeep!
After opening their gifts to each other. Awww..
A new Shel Silverstein book of poems!
I made the kids a new calendar with personalized pictures. That sucker took way longer than I ever imagined but they love it!
First time driving in the garage!
Crazy lady driving!
Will holding on for dear life!
Look at that grin. I think they liked it!
We couldn’t play long because we left our house around 12pm to drive to Charlotte to catch a plane to Missouri! The Crozier family Christmas was at my sister’s house this year.
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