What a wonderful week it has been. It was so good to have time off work with the kids. I think we all really enjoyed it.
Monday started off with me volunteering in Will’s classroom for their Stone Soup day. All the kids brought in cans of veggies and they cooked it in the crockpot all morning. Five moms, including me, came and helped serve it. I’d say only a few kids actually ate it. Lots of kids ate a lot of crackers and a lot of them dipped their crackers in the soup, but didn’t eat. Too many veggies! I enjoyed helping out. Will pays you very little attention but I still like to see the kids and put faces with names.
Tuesday was supposed to be a big morning with Lindy’s reevaluation IEP meeting at 8:15am. Would you believe we got our first dose of winter weather and the kids had a two hour delay? We did find out Monday night around 9pm so we did actually sleep in some which was nice. But I hate we had to reschedule her IEP meeting. After her IEP meeting we were supposed to have Will’s parent teacher conference. His teacher sent home a note saying to call her in the morning if we had a delay. I did and we decided to still go ahead and meet at 9:30am. The kids played while we talked to his teacher. She is a fast talker. You had to pay attention to catch everything! She said he is doing really well and had very nice things to say about him. She said he needs to work on retelling a story without leaving out details and has to be able to read sight words lightning fast. Both I know he can do, but I think he has to get used to how they assess him. The sight words are put on a powerpoint and supposedly it goes fast. Will is not a fast child. He knows all the words but she said he sat there with wide eyes at first. Hopefully he’ll catch on to the testing they do.
Wednesday we had a great day around the house working on Christmas presents the kids are making. Can’t tell you what but they are cute and took all afternoon! Will loved having me here to play with him. Lately he’s been giving me the “I wish you didn’t have to work” speech. I tell him he’s in school all day so I’d be bored at home (yeah right) and then he says, “I wish you were home in the afternoons.” Way to make a mama feel good! Anyway, we did enjoy our time together.
We got up on Thanksgiving day and headed to Drew’s dad’s house in Charlotte. We enjoyed a delicious dinner with his dad, stepmom, his mom, and Suzette’s son, his wife, and their two kids. The random thing is that Suzette’s older grandson, Matthew, has glasses and one hearing aid and one cochlear implant. I just think it’s so random that two of their grandchildren are so similar. The kids had a blast playing with Matthew and when Lindy wasn’t playing with Matthew she was obsessed with the baby, Michael. Lisa and Eric were so patient with her and let her help them out. She got to help feed him a bottle, burp him, hold him (or sit him as she keeps calling it!), and change his diaper. She thought she was hot stuff. She is now a certified babysitter – in her eyes anyway. It really was a great day with awesome food. One of the best meals I can remember in a long time. Lynn, Suzette, and I were crazy maniacs that went out shopping on Thanksgiving night. We decided to go out that night and not on Friday morning. We only hit a couple stores because we waited in some long lines. I got a few presents and some work stuff for myself. We got home at 1am – way past Suzette’s curfew! But she is retired now and can do those things!
Friday we slept in (thank you Lindy for sleeping in so I could sleep in some!) and just hung around their house. After yummy leftovers for lunch we got cleaned up and headed out for Southern Family Christmas card pictures. After many takes and much unhappiness form a few of the people in the picture, we got a good picture. Christmas card worthy. We headed home after getting the picture and, man, we got to work. I quickly unpacked and then Christmas exploded at our house. By the time we went to bed that night we had two big trees and two little trees up and decorated.
Saturday we got right to work the next morning as well. Drew did some yard work while I kept putting Christmas decorations out. In the afternoon we got the outside decorated as well. Drew and I don’t usually move that fast! Last night we went out with the Bryants for dinner to celebrate Kris’ birthday last week. We always have a good time. The kids were in heaven with Miss Victoria – the babysitter who watched them a lot this summer.
Today we had church and then I finished decorating. I got everything out that is going to get out. I also picked up our Christmas cards and ran by the store for some food.
That was possibly the most productive weekend we’ve ever had! Feels good to get it all done and have been able to spend time with family and friends. Now it’s back to the grind tomorrow.
Will set up a music show for us Tuesday night. And he needed a volunteer from the audience.
Who did really funny bows!
Wednesday we saw SNOW!! We ran outside to see it. It didn’t last long but it was fun to see!
Lindy ‘sitting’ baby Michael!
Look how happy she is to help feed him a bottle!
These three had a blast together!
Getting the first tree put together. We go fake in our house.
They were actually kind of helpful this year. We got the tree decorated in record time. Even Daddy helped. A Christmas miracle!
On to their little trees in their room. They can decorate them anyway they want. They turn out special!
Final product!
Our first Xmas outfits for church this morning1
She is so pretty!
He’s so handsome!
Love these two so much!
Pluto arrived this afternoon! The kids are really excited by the thought of him this year.
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