Tuesday started out with physical therapy. I had to take Will with me and it was so stressful. To him it's a big gym and he wants to play with all the fun stuff. There are big signs all around saying siblings are not allowed on basically everything. I try my hardest to keep him contained. Our PT is so nice and allows him to do some things. She uses him to get Lindy to do things. Besides Will being there, our early intervention specialist was also there. So I was trying to talk to her and chase two kids. I was so ready for PT to be over that day!
We have finally decided to get Will a speech evaluation. We figure it can't hurt to get the evaluation and if he needs some therapy then we want to get it for him. He'll have his evaluation on Dec. 16th.
Wednesday Lindy had hearing therapy with Chris. Chris got married right before Thanksgiving. Congratulations Chris!! Lindy did great threading beads onto string. We were working on certain words but it was also a great visual task for her.
Thursday morning was the big day for Lindy. She had three nephrology appointments to check out her kidneys. The morning started with a renal ultrasound to measure her kidneys. She did NOT like the jelly they use for the ultrasounds. We had to hold her arms and legs and sing constantly to her. There was no change from six months ago. The right one is still smaller than the left. Next she had the horrible VCUG to check on her bladder reflux. They strap the poor child to a 'baby board' with her hands up by her head. It's pure torture to her, and I assume most kids. They cath her and send a contrast dye up into her bladder. Then the radiologist watches to see if any of the fluid goes up to her kidneys. At her VCUG in December 2008 she had grade 2 (out of 5, and 5 being the worst) on both sides. On Thursday they did not see any on the right side and still grade 2 on the left. Overall that is good news that she outgrew the kidney reflux on the right. Especially since this is the smaller kidney that doesn't function quite as well. 80% of grade 2 kidney reflux will go away by itself, in time. Because she still has some kidney reflux she will have to continue taking her daily antibiotic, to try and prevent any urinary tract infections. We will go back in Dec. 2010 and do all these tests again. We're so glad the VCUG is over for this year. It's seriously the worst thing she has to go to.
Today we had vision therapy with Leslie. We had fun playing with a ton of new things. Lindy did great with a peg board and had fun playing with silly putty.
We are slowly getting ready for Christmas around here. We put the Christmas tree up Tuesday night while the kids were asleep and their reaction the next morning was so cute. Can you guess what Will said? Of course he asked, "What's that?!" Unfortunately we haven't gotten our ornaments on the tree or the outside lights up. But I'm almost done shopping and the Christmas cards are done!
Lindy and Will and I ran errands this afternoon and got to ride in the double seater cart at Sams Club for the first time. It was so cute! They kept trying to get all the food from the cart though. They also had another first tonight. I blow dried their hair after their bath! They weren't sure at all. Lindy didn't like it much but she tolerated it.
This is getting too long. Happy weekend. It might snow in NC tomorrow!
Church outfits last Sunday.
Tuesday on the way home from PT both kids fell asleep. Therefore neither one took a nap. I put them down and they just played the entire time. I went in and found Will with his pants and socks off. He was hopping all around his crib.
We picked up Lindy's new ear molds on Tuesday and HOORAY, they work! They are a ton better than the last set! She is doing well keeping them in!
Relaxing on the couch.
They were listening to some Christmas music. The cd player is behind the gate.
Matching Christmas pj's!
Christmas chefs cooking in the kitchen.
How cute are they in the double seater shopping cart?!
1 comment:
Happy her scan went well, bless her heart.
Love the pj's and the chefs pic is priceless.
Awwww..daddy is cute to.. hehe
Thanks for sharing, love your blog!
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