Another week gone by. They go so fast. In two weeks my babes start the big Kindergarten. I wish time would S L O W down!!!
The kids went back to summer camp at their preschool. This week was about Curious George Goes to the Movies. They watched snippets of movies each day.
Drew was gone on his youth group retreat until Monday evening. I picked the kids up at 1pm and we went by Baptist hospital to get Lindy’s new frames. We had managed to keep them glued together for a week. They did break one more time at the same exact spot but we just glued them back together again. They switched her lenses to the new frames and we were back in business. Unfortunately the kids had to come back to work with me since Drew was still gone. They were actually really good and I got a lot of work done even with them there! It’s amazing how technology will keep a kid entertained for so long! We got home and a few minutes later Drew called to say they were pulling in. We headed up to pick him up and ended up going out for dinner. Drew kind of ruined my dinner prep when he called to pick him up and then Will was practically begging for Mexican food so we just went for that.
Tuesday the kids had their 6 year well child check ups at the doctor. They are both healthy, just small! Will grew 2 inches and 2 pounds and Lindy grew 2.75 inches and 6 pounds. It’s just that they can’t really get too far ahead because of where they started at. She said Lindy’s rate of growth is great – it’s just she started so small. She said her BMI is in the middle of the charts. Lindy is sitting at the 6.25% for weight but only the 0.29% for height. But her BMI is at a healthy 70.6%. The girl has some meat on her short bones! Lindy was 40 inches tall and 36.6lbs. I think her 6.25% for weight is the highest either kid has ever been on the growth charts! Way to go girl!
Will – he is a little different story! He is at 1.24% for height and 0.02% for weight. Hanging on by a thread. His poor BMI is at the 0.21%. He doesn’t have any meat on his short bones! He was 41 inches tall and weighed 30.8lbs (with clothes on). I thought his weight would be the only thing of concern for him, but honestly she still wasn’t too worried. We are doing Carnation instant breakfast at dinner and she said that we might want to start adding it at breakfast once school starts. We talked about what an incredibly slow eater he is and she said that could become an issue at school because they don’t have a lot of time to eat. She said by giving him Carnation instant breakfast in the morninh, it would add a few more calories for him to help him get through the day. I really love our doctor and trust her on this. I know she’ll tell me when I really need to worry. But it’d still be nice to pack a little weight on him sometime!
The rest of the week was pretty quiet. Just summer camp for the kids. Friday afternoon I met Drew and the kids to play a little putt putt but we didn’t actually get to play putt putt because a storm was brewing and it started raining. Instead they got to play a little bit in the arcade inside.
Friday I also did a big thing for me – I cut 12 inches off my hair! I had decided to grow it out a couple years ago to donate and then I got lazy and never cut it. I finally decided it was too long. That, plus some plumbers recently came to our house and ‘fixed’ our hot water heater. But all they really did was take away my water pressure and it was horrible washing my hair with so little water pressure. It’s still curly but now it’s just shoulder length. It’s so easy to fix! I just have to make sure it doesn’t get too big – I hate big hair. It’s amazing how people don’t notice though. 12 inches of hair gone and people don’t even realize it. I find it interesting!
Saturday morning we did get up and head to the zoo with Aunt Jamie and Molly. We cancelled a trip the day after the kids’ birthday because it was supposed to rain (and never did) so we had to reschedule for a Saturday. The adults enjoyed the zoo but I’m not sure any of the kids did. It’s hard for Lindy to see, Will was hot and whiney, and I don’t think Molly was too impressed either. We only ended up doing half of it. A lot of times in the summer at the zoo you hardly see any animals because it’s hot and they are sleeping in the shade somewhere. Yesterday we really did see a lot of animals up and walking around. Again, the kids weren’t impressed with that! They did ride the carousel and enjoy that. The best part of going to the zoo is actually getting to eat Sir Pizza in Asheboro. We got to introduce Jamie and Molly to the awesomeness of Sir Pizza for lunch. I think they liked it. I don’t think they loved it like I do, but they liked it!
Today we had church and a potluck afterwards and then GrandBob and Suzette came by for a little visit. The kids enjoyed playing with them – even if GrandBob did get Will in trouble
Will is obsessed with American Ninja Warrior. He has taken to setting up obstacle courses around the house. He was setting them up at school too and his teacher said he was getting all the other kids involved in them.Don’t fall in the Drink, Lindy!
They made movie star hats at school this week.
Showing off her prized tickets!
And turning them into a necklace.
They loved this one. It tilted and shook them up!
The alligators were out walking around. Yuck!
A yucky turtle covered in algae!
Checking out the seals swimming by.
The polar bear wouldn’t come to the viewing window but he was out doing laps over and over in the same area.
The climber had a ball on the spider web.
The otter was sleeping but you could actually see him. Most of the time you can’t find him.
Sweet boy!
Sweet kids in the bee hive.
Lindy loved the map. “Mom, can you take a picture of me with the map?”
Riding the carousel!
These two are wild.
Heading to church today.
Handsome boy!
Beautiful girl!
The kids were excited to show GrandBob and Suzette their new beds. Lindy covered Suzette up and Will read them a story.
Listening intently!
And one last funny story and picture. About half way home Monday afternoon Will told me he had to go to the bathroom. I asked pee or poo poo and he said poo poo. I told him he better squeeze his cheeks because I wasn’t stopping. I glanced back at him a couple times and didn’t know what he was actually doing. Then I heard him talking to Lindy and he told he couldn’t grab something because he had to squeeze his cheeks. And at the next stop light I safely took a picture of him squeezing his cheeks ha ha ha!
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