Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Who Loves Brenner Children’s Hospital?

We do!!!  We love them for saving the lives of two of our tiny, premature children.  So when they called in the middle of the summer and asked if they could come film us waxing poetic about their fine institution, we said yes! 

And here is the result.  They redid their website this fall and we are now on there giving our patient (parent?) testimonials.  As painful as it is to watch and listen to myself talk, I think it came out pretty well. 

Click here for the direct link.  There are four short videos to watch.  If you just go to the Brenner Children’s Hospital webpage, you need to click on the green ‘Healthcare Professionals’ tab and scroll down.  You should see Patient Testimonials on the lower left and you will see a picture of our family.  


Erin said...

You all did awesome! What a positive testimony to someone else going through what you did.

Janice said...

You both come across great! Wonderful testimony of the super care and compassion shown to "our" babies by the amazing staff at Brenner's.

Jessica said...

You did great, how neat that they included you guys!

Unknown said...

Great video. You all did an awesome job.

Joey said...

Those videos were so great! You both did awesome. :-)