Tooth fairy and then preschool graduation – Good grief this is all happening too fast. How are they graduating from preschool already? Didn’t they just start preschool?
Last Wednesday, May 22nd, was the big day. Drew dropped them off at school for a last minute graduation practice. We got there around 10:15am for the 11am graduation. I was 100% fine sitting there but man when the doors opened and the pomp and circumstance started playing – I did get a little teary eyed. They all looked so cute in their little graduation caps and gowns.
They had a serious graduation. Like a little speaker – she read a book to them. They each got called up and their teachers talked about each and every one of them. They were all asked what they wanted to be when they grew up.
Will’s class went first. As Will walked up front Mrs. May said, “Will is one smart boy.” She asked Will what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said, “A teacher.” I’m sure his Nana, Mimo, Aunt Amy, and Aunt Anna would all be proud of him if he became a teacher! Then his teacher said “I know Will will be a great teacher. On their very last share day I told them they could bring anything they wanted to, they just had to tell me what letter it started with. Will decided to bring a poetry book and then he stood up in front of the class and read poetry. He is a very smart boy, a very good boy, a good listener and a good rule follower.”
When Lindy’s name was called, she walked up and said, “That’s me!” When her teacher asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she proudly exclaimed, “A builder!” Her teacher said “Lindy builds some of the most magnificent creations you’ve seen with the legos and tinker toys. I will always remember Lindy for her imagination. Every morning she comes in with an imaginary friend, an imaginary toy, or an imaginary teacher, there is always something imaginary. Her imagination is wonderful. She has wanted to be so many different things this year, from a pirate to superhero, to mom. Lindy is a special little girl to me. She could light up my life when she walked in that door each morning. She gives the best hugs ever. And if she ever does something wrong, which isn’t often, she says, Mrs. Sue, will you forgive me? And I’ve also discovered, learned today, that we have a play date next week at your house. I guess I’ll be over! I’m very proud of you Lindy, you’ve learned so much this year.” Lindy proceeded to talk and talk and talk to her teacher, and the director (who was calling out all the names) said, “Maybe I should let Lindy finish up the program!” ha ha!
The kids had their Mimo, GrandBob, Aunt Jamie and Ms. Martha all there to watch. We went to lunch with Mimo and GrandBob afterwards to celebrate. They each got $10 for graduation so Mimo went with us to Target and they got to spend it. Lindy bought a superhero toy and Will got a new movie. We stopped by for a celebratory slushie from Sonic and headed home! We were all worn out from the big events of the day!
Their last day of preschool was on Friday. My office closed on Friday at noon so I met Drew and the kids at McDonalds for lunch. We went home for a few minutes and then we headed back out to an end of the year party at Airbound Trampoline Park with their friends from school. They had a blast jumping with their friends. Will had a blast playing with the mom of some twin girls.
I can’t believe preschool is over. The end of an era. We have loved, loved, loved their preschool. We’ve been so lucky with Lindy’s two schools and Will’s one school. All of their teachers have been so fantastic.
Now what you’ve been waiting for – pictures!
Dressed up all nice and headed to school on Graduation Day!She cracks me up. All…
Walking in! Will is in the picture too. The one with a tassel hanging in front of his face!
Listening to the book.
William Allan Southern. What do you want to be when you grow up?
”A teacher!”
Most handsome boy EVER!
Lindy Jane Southern. What do you want to be when you grow up?
”A builder!”
My beautiful graduate. Or as she likes to be called, My Handsome graduate.
Ms. Martha!
Aunt Jamie, Mimo, and GrandBob
Mr. John – who greets us everyday and who the kids adore.
Mrs. Sue
Mrs. May
There is this little alcove at their school and I’ve never, in 3 years, let them stand up in it. They walk past it every day, twice a day, and see other kids doing it. I finally let them do it on graduation day. A special treat.
Last day of Preschool!How about a little comparison. First day of preschool each year and the last day of preschool.
Be still my heart. They were mere babes when they started. Babes.
Friday we went to Airbound Trampoline where they jumped their hearts out. Lindy and her buddy Parker.
Who she is apparently dating????
She literally just falls straight in!
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