It is practically impossible to believe the kids turned 3 years old on Friday. It’s ridiculously ridiculous! The last three years have flown by. Our kids have grown into such neat little kids. Although they will always be my babies.
It’s such a fun age for the kids. You can actually talk to them, figure out what they want, what is the matter, etc… They are fun to play with and it’s fun to see them experience new things.
They are unfortunately still drinking thickened liquids. We stopped thickening their milk for about a week but we are back to having it thickened. They basically stopped drinking milk and when they did they both coughed and choked a little bit. I went back to it barely being thickened and they are doing better. We’ll get there soon enough.
Some of Will’s favorite things right now: books (he loves to read and be read to); TV (anything on Nick Jr. He’d watch all day if I let him. He gets 1 hour a day); peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (he’d eat them everyday for lunch if we let him); counting numbers and saying the alphabet; his blanket and his dog Spot (that he sleeps with every night); magnatiles; opening and closing doors; and singing songs.
Some of Lindy’s favorite things: purses; books (she loves being read to); red car she rides around the house on; doctor kit; ice cream; opening and closing doors; my camera; phones (she prefers real phones to play phones); dipping sauces (she has recently discovered ketchup and bbq sauce and she loves getting it all over her face and hair!); and imitating people.
Here is the kids’ birthday in pictures:
Waking up as a 3 year old.
Surprised to wake up and find Nana and Papa at our house!
Eating a birthday breakfast of cinnamon and orange rolls!
Blowing out the candle.
Lindy did not like the candle. She turned her head, ignored Drew and the glowing orange roll and made Daddy blow it out.
The kids got to play with Nana and Papa all morning while I mowed the grass and Drew did work. They ate special PB&J sandwiches for lunch.
Lindy warmed up to the birthday candle but couldn’t quite get the blowing part down.
After a good nap the kids woke up to presents!
Drew and I got the kids backpacks for school!
We took the kids for Mexican food for their birthday dinner so they could have chips and cheese quesadillas.
After dinner we went to the ‘ice cream shop.’
The kids’ birthday is always a bittersweet day. The day of their birth was single handedly the worst day of our lives. I kind of feel like we don’t celebrate the day they were born, we celebrate how far they have come and the little people that they have turned into. We know Adam is in a better place but we sure do miss him. It would be so fun to celebrate with all three of them.
We hope the kids enjoyed their birthday. After the kids went to bed we got serious about decorating a birthday cake and setting up for the birthday party!
Next post…… The birthday party!!
What a fun filled day! They probably slept like logs that night! Sweet pictures too! that Dairi-O ice cream????? YUM!!!
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