We had a mostly boring week with only a couple scheduled things at the end of the week.
The theme of the week has been shopping. For whatever reason I felt this was the week to buy the kid’s winter wardrobe. A couple shopping trips later and the kids have a ton of winter clothes! It’s just so easy to keep buying those little shirts and pants!
We ate dinner with Mike and Janice on Monday night. We hadn’t seen them in a month or so and the kids were so excited. They came by the house first and then we followed them to the Diary-O. On the way Will said, “I’m so happy!” Too funny.
I got the chance to go out to eat with some high school girlfriends on Wednesday night. We always have such a blast! Good times with old friends!
Thursday we toured one of the schools that Lindy might be attending. School starts Aug. 25th and no, we don’t know where she is going. She won’t be starting the 25th. We want her to go to a hearing impaired preschool classroom and the school system has recommended another school for kids with developmental delays. We are waiting for a meeting with the school system to talk about this. We are planning on touring the schools next week when the kids are actually there so we can see what it’s really like.
While Drew and I were touring the school, the kids stayed with Janice. Every time we’ve left the kids anywhere this summer they have cried. But not Thursday! They do love them some Janice and they obviously feel comfortable with her. Apparently Lindy did cry one time, but she got over it quickly.
Friday Lindy had an ophthalmology appointment and once again it was pretty pointless. She followed a little light and they tried the Teller Acuity cards again. Lindy just likes to play with the big cards instead of concentrating on the black and white lines. She got down to 3.2cm/cycle with both eyes.
While I took Lindy to the doctor, Will got to go play with Aunt Jamie and Uncle Ed. Jamie took him on a walk to the park and from what I hear they had a blast. He was so interested in going to the park that once again he didn’t cry. On the way there I kept telling him that I had to take Lindy to the doctor, that he was playing with U. Ed and A. Jamie and that I would be back. He said those three phrases the whole way there and even after I came back to get him. I think he is starting to process the whole ‘I always come back for him.’ He keeps randomly saying “Mommy always comes back.”
Drew has actually been gone all weekend at a youth retreat so it is just the kids and I hanging out. We passed our time shopping and we enjoyed a visit from GrandBob on Saturday afternoon. We enjoyed his company and the pizza he bought us for dinner.
The kids are talking up a storm these days. Lindy tells us 100 times a day that she’ll ‘Be right back.’ I have started telling her that I love her and to be careful. Now she has started telling me, “I be right back. I be careful.” Usually she is just going in the other room when she tells us this. Yesterday morning we had chocolate donuts for breakfast and the kids get chocolate everywhere, including under there fingernails. Later I was cutting their nails and I started cutting Will’s toenails. He had dirt in them from being outside and he said, “Mommy, I have chocolate in them.” ha ha ha.
Pictures from this week. They seem to be a little Lindy heavy this week. She must have been closer to me all week.
One of Lindy’s new poses. Not sure what it is about. She usually imitates us but I don’t recall doing this one! She looks like she is trying to be modest. The kids finally got to play with the easel they got for their birthday. Will loves the chalk side.
I wrote Will’s name for him and then went and did some things in the kitchen. I came back and Will told me he had written his name. I wrote his name in blue and he copied it in white. I thought it was impressive!
And again!
And then I told him to write his own name. I thought he did awesome for a barely 3 year old writing his name for the first time ever!
Funny Lou Lou picture.
Cute pictures of Lou Lou.
It’s blurry but it’s too cute. Lindy was running ‘so fast.’
This is Lindy’s new thing. If you are sitting on the floor, Lindy will come up and put her arm around your neck. It’s so funny. She’s been doing it to us all week.
Playing outside today.
The kids loved playing hide and seek with GrandBob. Except Will will not stay hidden. He always comes running out as soon as you are done counting to 10.
Lindy was hiding with GrandBob.
GrandBob hid behind the coconut tree.
My sweet girl.
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