We have been able to spend the past two Saturdays playing with our friends Kris, Katie, Micah, and Claire. We have had such a good time. Yesterday we were joined by our friends Todd, Amy, Atha and Nora, and Ryan Cole. Once upon a time Todd, Kris, and Drew were all roommates in Durham. We love being able to get everyone together.
We have had a pretty normal week with appointments. Lindy had PT on Tuesday and she did well. She has officially been decreased to every other week!! That’s a great step for her since it means she doesn’t need weekly PT. Wednesday morning Will had speech therapy and he did well too. He loves seeing what is in Miss Lawson’s big bag of toys. He is really trying to say many more words which is neat! Wednesday afternoon Lindy had hearing therapy with Chris. We talked a lot about Lindy’s speech. We decided we really need to push her to talk and we talked about getting her into speech as well.
Friday morning brought our scary event for the week. I was in the nursery with the kids and I had just finished getting Lindy dressed for the day. I picked Will up and put him on the table and he starts crying and pulling at his pj’s. I got them off him and started to change his dirty diaper. He was still crying and just kept messing with the right side of his belly. As soon as I got his diaper change done I picked him up and he just kept doing it. I took him and showed Drew and he said to call the doctor. We’ve never seen him act like this before. It was obvious he was in pain. Because he has had two intestinal surgeries as a baby, we were worried that it might be something going on with his intestines. Drew talked to the nurses and they said to bring him in to the office. He was acting like he was in pain for about 30-45 mins. We called our go-to babysitter, Janice, and she was at the house in 15 minutes to stay with Lindy. By the time we left for the doctor though, he was starting to act pretty normal. We got to the doctor’s office and they got us in a room pretty quickly but it was taking forever for a doctor to come in. (On a side note, Will weighed 24lbs and 4.8oz). We appreciated them working us in but it got to the point that Drew had to go ask. Finally a doctor comes in, but Will had actually fallen asleep. Which is a bit odd since he never naps in the morning. The doctor reassured us that we definitely had a right to be concerned. He said that anyone with intestinal surgeries is at a high risk for more intestinal issues. He examined him and couldn’t find anything wrong. He listened to his belly and pushed around on his belly and said everything seemed normal. He felt comfortable sending him home with instructions to watch him closely and watch his bowel movements. If his bowel movements started coming out funny looking or if Will started acting like he was in pain again we were to take him on to the ER to get x-rays and ultrasounds. He was going to email Will’s surgeon and just give him a heads up.
We got home and he ate a normal lunch and was acting pretty normal. He did take a 3 hour nap though, which is a little unusual. After his nap he acted normal the rest of the day. We definitely don’t know what it was but it seemed to have wiped him out on Friday. He never sleeps in the morning or hardly ever takes a 3 hour nap.
We’ve definitely watched him closely. All yesterday he played, ate, slept, and pooped normally. Today he has eaten normally but when we put him down for his nap he started acting a little funny like something might be hurting him. And then in no time he was back to normal. Because he’s pooping normally I’m thinking it’s not something with his intestines but we just don’t know what is going on. If he wakes up like he’s in pain then we’ll have to decide if he needs to go to the hospital. Let’s hope not! I sure wish they could talk and tell us what hurts.
The kids have continued to talk and say new things this week. Last weekend Will said, ‘Go Deacs.’ He obviously isn’t saying it enough since they are on a major losing streak right now. Sunday after he ate some pizza for lunch he started whining a bit. I asked him what was wrong and asked him what he wanted. He said, ‘Apple.’ He was telling me he wanted applesauce, which he usually does have for lunch. It was cool for him to tell us what he wanted!
Both kids have recently figured out how to put two words together. Both have been saying ‘Hi Boo’ for a long time, but that’s it. They will both say ‘Hi Mama’ and ‘Hi Dada’ now. It’s too cute to hear them. Lindy has also been saying ‘Open’ and ‘Go’ this week too. We get excited about every word around here since they are pretty far behind.
While we were at the doctor on Friday I asked him about the dry skin on Will’s legs. I wanted to make sure it was just dry legs. He said yes, but it’s actually a bit of eczema. He said to keep him moisturized and use something like aquafore on it. Will does have really dry skin. Worse this winter than I’ve ever seen it. His face is constantly dry and I noticed this morning his head is completely dry. I moved the humidifier into their room so hopefully that and keeping him lubed up will help him out some. He apparently got his dry skin from his daddy whose knuckles are so dry they are bleeding.
Well, that’s the news of the week. Hard to believe that tomorrow is March 1st!
Both the kids love their Tag Readers. Last weekend Will and Micah rode horses together.
Lindy and Claire sat and chatted.
He’s turning into a little man!
Lindy’s favorite spot, in the chair. She won’t get down so she ends up spending a lot of time there these days! When we get her down she immediately climbs back up!
Last weekend the temperature was almost 60F so we went outside. Parts of our yard still have snow that won’t melt! How crazy to play in the snow when it was so nice out!
The kids were watching it snow most of the day on Wednesday, but thankfully it didn’t stick.
Thanks for picking up the puzzles Lindy but I think you missed a few pieces!
She has started giving a cheesy grin when she sees the camera!
Will and his magna tiles.
Playing with friends yesterday.
Best shot of the little ones we could get. Micah didn’t feel like joining the group picture so it turned out to be Will and his harem.
Lindy, Atha, Will, Claire, and Nora. The girls kicked the boy off the couch so they could hang out! Atha and Nora are identical twins. Lindy is over a year older than all of them and is the same size, maybe smaller. I think she has them all in weight, but not height!
Have a great week. Guess what? It’s supposed to snow again this week! Alright winter – GO AWAY!!!!