Saturday, April 18, 2009

March for Babies

Today was the March of Dimes March for Babies. It could not have been a more beautiful day to go for a 3.2 mile walk. It was gorgeous! We had 18 friends walk with us as part of the Million Dollar Babies team. It means so much to us that our friends want to support us and the March of Dimes in our endeavors to eliminate infant mortality and prematurity.

We also want to thank everyone for financially supporting us this year. Once again the generosity of our friends and family has blown us away. Drew and I raised almost $3500 this year. Helping save babies is a good cause. It’s a good thing to donate to. One day all babies will be born healthy - we have to walk to get there.

The only small hiccup of the day was that Lindy, Will, and I caught colds this week. Will and I weren’t feeling 100%, but we definitely walked. Lindy came down with a cold on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning and by Thursday afternoon Will and I had it. We stuffed our pockets full of tissues and we walked! Lindy slept most of the walk. I thought Will would since he didn’t feel great but he stayed awake.

Million Dollar Babies Team!

Louise and Janice
GrandBob, Lindy, Uncle Ed, Drew, and Will
Lauren and Isabelle
Katie, Claire, and Micah (a returning walker from last year. Little Claire was inside the womb last year though!)
Mark, Mary Allen, Conner (in the stroller) and Tyler (in Mark's arms).
Uncle Ed and Jamie Lindy thought walking was exhausting!

Lindy and Will had their pictures in Ambassador Avenue. I sent in a picture of Will in the NICU but I'm not sure what happened to it. And his middle name should be spelled Allan.
They also asked families to make posters for their babies that did not survive. I worked all week on a poster for Adam. Unfortunately they only had 3 people do it and they weren't displayed very well.
Jamie, Wendy, and Lisa. We all went to high school together (Asheboro High - go comets!). Unfortunately we all had premature babies. Wendy's daughter was born at 34 weeks and is 5 now. Lisa's son, Adam, was born at 32 weeks and is actually in the NICU right now. After 5 long months he is coming home MONDAY! Yeah!!
We saw one of our neonatologist, Dr. Welch.
At the end of the morning they had everyone gather around with balloons. We released them in the air in memory of all the sweet babies that didn't make it. We released ours for Adam.
Some of our team had already left but those of us left got a picture by the MOD sign.
Swinging before we walked.

I hardly took any pictures this week since they would have all had baby snot in them. Our only appointment this week was Lindy’s weekly hearing therapy. She originally had a hearing test scheduled for Thursday but we cancelled it after she got the cold. Any congestion in her ears would definitely throw off a hearing test.

I hate to see Lindy and Will sick, especially since we were so excited that it is April (the first month they consider it safe to come out of hibernation). But I’ll admit that both youngins fell asleep on me this week and it was kind of sweet to snuggle them. They are always so busy and on the go that we don’t get good snuggle time anymore.
One milestone of note last weekend, Lindy cruised!! She was standing and holding onto the coffee table. She moved from about half way down the table to the end. By herself!! Slowly but surely she's becoming more mobile!

Lindy when she didn't feel good last week.
Watching Daddy mow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed the walk this year. Lindy and Will are so different from last year. They're both such little miracles! And their parents are pretty darned special too. Mimo