Happy Weekend - doesn't the weekend start on Friday Night? I hope everyone had a good week. Ours has been a bit busy. We've had someone at our house every day this week except today. Some medical appointments and some friends visiting.
Tuesday an old high school buddy of Drew's came to visit. We found out he had misunderstood something and originally thought we were pregnant with quintuplets. agagaga!! Thank goodness we weren't! Wednesday we had some good friends stop by and they are pregnant with twins! I hope we didn't scare them too much! Will put on a good pooping face performance (his face he makes when he is pooping, which is really funny) and then shot the poop out the diaper and up his back.
Thursday we had the home health nurse and social worker come by. They actually discharged Lindy from their services. This is a good thing, meaning she is doing so well, but we will miss seeing Kathy the nurse! We also enjoyed Melissa's visits, as well as Stacey's. I really miss the weight checks. Lindy weighed 10 pounds 15 ounces. Almost 11 pounds! We also threw Will up on the scale and he was 13 pounds 13.5 ounces. Both are growing well!
Thursday afternoon brought Chelle, our early intervention specialist and Susan, a teacher from the Governor Morehead Preschool program. This is a state program for children with vision impairments. They will do in-home visits with her that will help Lindy and teach us how to work and play with her. We did all paperwork Thursday. We are anxious for when she comes back in the beginning of April to start working with her.
Too many pictures to choose from so I'll just post a bunch!
Matching stripey babies. I think it looks like Lindy is pulling Will's hair. Looking at the camera.
Our famous sideways pictures. So maybe famous is a strong word.
This was too funny not to post. Looks like Will is bopping Lindy on the head!
I've finally gotten a couple cute videos to post. I hope you enjoy them! One is Lindy playing with Daddy and the other is Will playing with Daddy. Lindy is so fun and cute when she smiles in response to us. She loves it when we kiss her neck, hands, and belly. Will has started this new scream thing. Sometimes he screams like a girl, just to make some noise!
They look more alike now that Lindy is filling out. Also, she looks like she is looking straight at her daddy. I hope that "they" have missed the boat on her vision and hearing. Prayer does work.
I can't get enough of your blog. The video is priceless as are all the smiles! You have beautiful babies!
The Hartsells
Cute Cute Cute!!!! Don't ya just love those smiles. You could be having the worst day ever and those precious little smiles makes everything better. They are growing so beautifully!! I hope you are all doing well. Take care!
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