Thankfully all the appointments went well. Monday was our crazy day. It was the first venture out with two babies. We needed to leave the house at 9am and at 8:15am I realized the base to Lindy's car seat wasn't installed. We hadn't planned on that so we got a little behind. We made it to our appointment only 5 minutes late! We started with physical therapy at 10am and we were there until 12:30pm!! She evaluated both babies and both did well. Lindy is tracking right on average and Will was tracking a little above average. Will decided to show off and roll over while we were there! He rolled from his belly to his back! He's done it a couple more times since. Of course never when I have the video camera on him!!
Lindy had an appointment with neurosurgery at 2pm that afternoon. Our original plan had been to bring the boys back home and Lindy and I would go back for the 2pm appointment. Just on a whim we decided to throw their 1pm bottles in, just in case. Thank goodness I did! We ended up eating, feeding and changing the babies all in the car at Wendy's. Lindy thought it was a good time to poop on her clothes so we even had an outfit change in the car! We all went to the appointment and everything looked really good. No problems with her shunt.
Tuesday was our big adventure out for the week; Lindy had a follow up eye appointment back at Duke! Because of the craziness of Monday, we tried to plan every minute of the day. We spent all Monday night getting ready for the trip. I even had a written out schedule for us to follow (I know I'm very anal retentive!) and it went very smooth. So maybe we didn't plan for the TWO tape changes for Lindy's nasal cannula or for her to spit up half her 10am bottle. But because of good planning we still managed to get out of the house at 10:30am. We got to Duke and again ate our lunch, fed, and changed babies in the car. Thank goodness we invested in the cool minivan, as it has completely become our base of operations! We all went into the appointment, using the double stroller for the very first time. The appointment went great. Lindy got a good report from the eye doctor. From her point of view (she is a retina specialist) everything(the retinas) is attached. She now wants her followed by the pediatric ophthalmologist here in Winston. If everything continues to look good we will not have to return to see her. We finished with her appointment at 3pm and ended up heading to Duke Gardens for a little while. We had to feed the babies around 4pm and if we headed home we would have had to stop somewhere on the way and do it. We decided to walk around the gardens because it was over 70F!! We can't go anywhere crowded because of the risk of colds and RSV so this was a nice way to get out and get some fresh air. The babies slept the whole time but Drew and I had a nice time. It was our first official family outing (not of the medical kind). We got everyone fed and headed home. The babies did awesome but they were ready to get out of the car seats by the time we got home.
Wednesday we didn't actually have to leave the house but the early intervention specialist and a psychologist came to evaluate Lindy. They both qualify for early intervention services based on birth weights. She is tracking fairly low but the tests and questions they ask are mostly based on vision and hearing. We aren't sure how much of either of these she actually has. Therefore it is more of a tool to get a baseline and see how she changes and grows.
Thursday was another multiple appointment day for Lindy. Home health came in the morning and then she had to go get her synagis shot (for RSV) at the pediatrician's office. She weighed in at 7 pounds 14.4 ounces. She is really growing pretty quickly! She still seems little compared to hefty Will. She didn't enjoy her shot very much but what baby does?
Finally Friday we got to stay home. What a week! I think this will become our lives. Hopefully not always this busy. This coming week we have no appointments but they pick up again the next couple weeks after that. As long as we continue to get good news then they aren't so bad. It does give us a chance to get out of the house. Will, Lindy, and I have become hermits!!
Here are a few recent pictures. Hope everyone has a good week!
Sweet brother and sister!
Our little cutie
I don't think this looks very comfortable, but it made for a cute picture!
Drew and Lindy
Our Double Trouble
Will thought Drew was hilarious!
This sums up the personalities of our children :) Lindy is much more opinated about life than Will!

Is this not the sweetest picture EVER??

I took these to show a friend but then I realized I don't think I ever showed anyone what the nursery looks like. Here is Lindy's side of the room.
Here is Will's side.

1 comment:
Jamie-the nursery is totally adorable and that pic of drew with the twins looking up at him is so precious. An award winner Ithink! Better get that one blown up into a frame! :) Glad all is going well. Good thing God made you so organized so you can keep track of all this stuff x's 2. Love reading the updates and seeing the sweet pics! -Angie
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