The kids were on spring break all last week. Besides being off from school, it wasn’t real exciting for them.
Everyone was finally healthy by Monday morning. Somehow I never did end up getting sick. I honestly have no clue how. Will was literally dry heaving directly into my face. I thought for sure I was a goner! I’m very glad I stayed healthy – didn’t have time to be sick!
Monday afternoon Lindy had PT with Jill. Lindy actually worked really hard and therefore did well. She stood on one leg better than usual, stood in a stride position better and longer than usual, and jumped well. Jill thought she looked really good and said to let her wear the lower brace a little more. She goes back and forth between looking really good one month to looking not so good the next. Who knows with that girl. Lindy and I met Drew and Will for dinner after PT.
Tuesday the kids had gymnastics and Wednesday night Will had a make up tee ball game. He is getting so close to hitting it when being pitched to. He is going to get it really soon! I don’t think the ball ever came to him in the field on Wed. night. He never said anything so I guess he didn’t mind.
Thursday we had the wildest weather. It sleeted off and on all day and then finally started snowing in the afternoon. Not enough to stick but it was crazy to see snow on April 4th in North Carolina! Thursday night we met Mike and Janice at the ice cream shop for dinner. We always enjoy our meals at the ice cream shop together. I thought it was way too cold for ice cream but the kids didn’t agree!
We were only home from the ice cream shop for a bit when Nana and Papa showed up to spend the weekend with us. They had spent the week in Mooresville and we were glad they were able to come back and see us since Easter weekend didn’t turn out as planned.
Friday morning they all got up and around and then I met my parents and the kids downtown for lunch. I went back to work and my parents took the kids to the Children’s Museum. They had been talking a lot about it lately so that worked out well. They were there for almost 3 hours and I guess Lindy finally told my parents she was ready to leave. They stopped by my office, which is only about a block away from the Children’s Museum and they got a treat at the little bakery on the corner. They headed home and both kids fell asleep on the way home. We went out for dinner that night as well.
Saturday Will had a tee ball game at 11:30am. I’m glad my parents got to see them in action. They are the most entertaining games ever! Watching little kids play ball is hilarious! Uncle Ed and Aunt Jamie also came to see him play for the first time. We headed out to lunch and ran by a couple furniture stores before heading home. Mom and I were able to get out and do a little shopping in the afternoon and we picked up pizza on the way home. We watched basketball the rest of the night.
Today my parents left around 9am and we headed to church. My mom flew home and my dad drove down to meet friends and go to practice rounds of the Masters. We have enjoyed a spaghetti lunch after church and some time outside this afternoon. The kids rode bikes and Lindy did awesome. She totally did it all by herself and was even turning corners. Last year she would start/stop and start/stop over and over. Today she just kept pedaling and was going up and down the street! We worked with Will on throwing the ball and hitting a little bit while Lindy dug up our front flower area.
The kids are headed back to school this week. I’m sure they are ready to get back and see their friends and teachers.
Will likes for me to take pictures of Lindy at PT so he can see what she does. Here is what she did Monday.At the Children’s Museum with Nana and Papa!
Riding bikes this afternoon.
Practicing throwing the ball.
Working on her stick garden. Someone needs to work on this little area!
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