Drew got home safe and sound from Israel on Thursday afternoon. He has hardly been awake since. Just kidding. He has been tired but he had a great time.
As for the beginning of the week without him, Mimo had gone home for the weekend and so I got the kids up and to school Monday morning. Mimo headed back Monday morning and picked them up from my office and took them to lunch. Then I met her at PT and grabbed Lindy and we headed inside. Lynn and Will went to Old Salem and brought home some yummy treats from the bakery. They had wanted to walk around but it was too cold and windy to be outside long. Lindy did really well in PT. She worked pretty hard and did well. She got to roller skate for the first time ever. But just with one roller skate on. We put it on her better foot and it supposedly made her other, weaker foot work harder. She just thought it was cool!
Tuesday Lynn picked the kids up from school and took them to gymnastics. She said they got to use these ribbons that were attached to rings. She said Lindy did what she was supposed to, after she made a fashion accessory out of the ring and ribbon. Apparently she had her arm through the ring and the ribbon wrapped around herself.
Wednesday Lynn picked the kids up and brought them home for lunch and then took them to Sci Works. The kids had a blast. I hear Lindy had fun drilling in the dentist/teeth area and they both had fun on the racers. She bought us a pass for four more trips so we are all looking forward to more time at Sci Works! Thanks, Lynn!
Thursday was Drew’s coming home day! Lynn picked the kids up and made welcome home signs for Drew. Drew got home around 3pm. I got home around 5pm to see him. He got the best souvenirs ever! Pretty scarves and necklaces and lotion from the Dead Sea. It was like Christmas in February! We ate dinner with Lynn and then I took the kids to choir practice and Lynn headed home. Apparently Drew headed for the couch and fell asleep. He was asleep when we got home an hour later and he never work up the rest of the night! The 7 hour time difference has been hard for him to adjust to.
The only thing we did this weekend was go to our first Wake Forest basketball game of the season. Katie had a couple extra free tickets and we picked up two cheap tickets outside the doors. It was a great game to see as the Deacs played really well. Poor Lindy can’t see much so she got to play on my phone. Will paid attention for a long time but then he and Micah started playing Kris’ phone and that was more interesting to him. It was a fun afternoon.
Today we had church and I had a UMW meeting and then the kids and I made their Valentines for the party this week at school. It took us most of the afternoon but we got them finished.
Will has finally stopped talking about smoke detectors so much. He did mention it tonight and was asking if we had them in the bathrooms. He has gone to bed fine all week but he has been waking up super early in the mornings. He wants his Valentine’s lights on. He does go back to sleep but he hasn’t slept past 7am until this morning when he finally slept until 7:30am. Hopefully we are on the right track to sleeping longer again in the mornings.
I do want to give a huge shout out to Lynn for staying with us the last 8 days. I couldn’t have handled Drew being gone for 10 days by myself. She was a huge help and the kids had a blast with her. I’m not sure they actually missed Drew because they were very excited to have Mimo around so much. I’m very thankful she could come stay with us! Thanks, Lynn!
As for pictures, I just realized I didn’t get a picture of Mimo this week either. How is that possible? Here 8 days and no picture? Most of these pictures are from her cell phone as I haven’t been taking many pictures lately.
I think my girl looked adorable last Monday. Love this outfit!He looked good, too!
Trying to get a picture together usually ends up like this.
Roller skating!
I could do a whole post of Lindy sleeping pictures. I always find her in crazy positions.
On the way to school one day she looked so bored!
He was happy though!
The Valentine decoration I made.
Mimo treated the kids to yogurt after gymnastics twice while she was here. Hope they don’t expect that from us!
More sleeping pictures!
Playing at Sci Works!
At the Wake game yesterday! Go Deacs!
My Valentine girl today!
My Valentine boy today.
Working hard on their class Valentines!
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