We had a really rainy April so maybe all the flowers will be beautiful this month!
Monday was a busy day. After school Drew and I had lunch with the kids at the playground at their school. Then Drew and Will dropped Lindy and me off at PT and they ran some errands. Lindy had new braces made a month ago and we picked them up. The right one is really cool, it is basically a shoe insert and you can’t even tell it’s there. The left one we had to go back to a tall brace. uggg. I wish it just wasn’t summer with the tall brace. Thankfully they fit in her shoes fine and she didn’t skip a beat with them. When she was little new braces used to throw her off but this time she didn’t even notice. She was in kind of a crazy mood so I’m not sure as much work got done as usual. Drew and Will picked us back up and we headed to Chick-fil-A to get our last free milkshakes. I had these cards that gave us free milkshakes every month since January. We are sad to see them go! After we got home I decided it was a good day to ride out to our old stomping grounds and get strawberries. We headed to some old church members’ berry farm and we picked a gallon of berries. Lindy dumped our bucket twice but we finally managed to fill it up. Then we bought another pre-picked bucket. One was enough for me! The kids had fun playing around the barn and had the most fun on Emma Lou’s golf cart. She ended up taking us for a couple spins around the barn which the kids thought was great fun. We sure have enjoyed the berries all week. Will is a big strawberry fan; Lindy not so much. We came home and ended up going out to eat at Waldo’s Wings. It was Hope du Jour day where tons of restaurants in town contributed 10% of the proceeds to our local Crisis Control Ministry. We ate out for a good cause!
Tuesday the kids had gymnastics and Wednesday they had music. They also had choir practice on Thursday night. They are practicing for a Mother’s Day performance.
Friday evening we met Mike and Janice at the ice cream shop for dinner and of course, ice cream. Lindy was in rare form. The girl went crazy at dinner. She was attacking her ice cream like she hadn’t ever eaten. There was a full moon this weekend – I think it got her!
Saturday morning I mowed the grass while Drew and the kids went to the store. Saturday evening we had Kris, Katie, Micah, and Claire over for dinner. Nothing says Cinco de Mayo like deer steak – ha ha. Katie and I got to work a little on a sewing project and the kids got lots of playing done. A fun night for all.
Today we had church and a pot luck lunch afterwards. It was anniversary Sunday – celebrating 13 years in the new church building. I always find potlucks a bit stressful. Drew is usually still talking with people and I’m trying to get the kids and their food settled. Lindy always ends up stuffing her mouth and choking. Good times! At least we always get a good meal – even if it’s stressful at times!
Will’s phrase of the week has been “Oh my gosh” or “Oh my goodness” or towards the end of the week it’s been shortened to “Oh my.” He has said it all week long, in any and every situation. Lindy told me Monday night that I was her favorite Mommy. ha! She walked into preschool Wednesday morning and told all the teachers she had a fever. Which she didn’t. Then she pretended to give her teacher a fever. I had to swear to them she didn’t have a fever and that she wasn’t sick! The things that come out of their mouths!
So there is our week in review. I don’t remember taking many pictures so we’ll see what is on the camera.
Playing on an illegal merry-go-round on Monday! She insisted on spinning me. I had to get off. She made me sick!
This truck driver likes to pick strawberries but not eat them!This one likes to pick and eat strawberries.
Just because it’s too funny not to post!
OMG he’s a cutie!
The best part of their afternoon. Playing on the golf cart and then Emma Lou taking us for a ride!
Lindy’s new braces. Super low right foot, back to high on left foot.
The right brace is basically just a shoe insert now.
The shifty-eyed giraffe! We had to make animal masks for music class and I think his eyes look so funny all cock-eyed!
Much better!
The little monkey!
Working 9 to 5, each and every day. She’s a busy girl.
I’ve never seen anyone love a calendar so much as this guy. He has almost every date I put on there memorized. He checks it every morning.
Pretty girl before church today.
Handsome boy before church
What a pair!
They look so big in these pictures. Are they too big to get one more picture together in the green chair? I always think of how much Drew loved picking strawberries with his Mimi when I see pictures of Will at strawberry time. And, lastly, I'm sorry about Lindy's hat. I had no idea she'd confiscate that one.
Your kids are so cute! Looks like you had a great time picking strawberries!
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