It feels like it was a busy week. Let’s see what we did.
Monday I had a dentist appointment. I waited one hour for a 10 minute appointment. uggg. My dentist sat down and started tugging on my gray hair and said it was a terrible affliction. This coming from a completely white haired man. He was joking and said he could only say that because he had been completely white haired since he was 35. But really? Insult your client’s gray hairs???
Tuesday we had a normal Tuesday except Drew was in Durham all day long meeting our Duke summer intern. The kids had gymnastics as usual. After gymnastics we went to visit one of my graduate school professors for a bit. We didn’t get to visit long because she had a student she tutors coming over but it was great to see her. She was my favorite professor and we have always kept in touch. She hadn’t seen the kids in a few years so it was fun for them to visit her.
I had another doctor’s appointment Wednesday morning but was done in time to pick the kids up from school and go to music. It was our last Kindermusik class, ever. They have done Kindermusik two years and now their teacher will start over again. I know they enjoyed their music class and we loved Ms. Beth. She works at the kids’ preschool so we will see her around next year. After we got home from music Lindy had to make her teacher appreciation cards for her teachers. It was almost like pulling teeth getting her to make 6 cards in one sitting. Her vision really affects writing and coloring and I know it’s hard for her. We did get it done! After the cards were done I started in making banana bread for each of her 5 teachers at one of her schools. I made loaves all day long!
Thursday morning Will and I went to United Methodist Women at church. Will played with our friend Wayne while we had our meeting. We had to leave a little early to pick Lindy up.
Friday, May 11th, was our 10 year wedding anniversary. Wow! 10 years of wedded bliss. We spent the entire day apart but we did manage to meet up and head to a nice dinner at the Bonefish Grill while Ed and Jamie watched the kids for us. It is seriously hard to believe it’s been 10 years. Wow, time flies!
Saturday we had the 2nd annual Banister family reunion at a local park. We had a little smaller crowd than last year but still over 30 people. Bob’s mother, Frances, had two sisters, Margaret and Jean. It was all the kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids of those three sisters. We had a yummy potluck lunch and then played a big family kickball game. Even if I was on the losing team, it was still fun. Although I am so sore today!
Today was Mother’s Day. Before church I got cards and a gift certificate for a one hour massage and pedicure! Ooh la la! I can’t wait to cash that in! We had church and came home for lunch. The kids sang in church today. They sang three Mother’s Day songs. It was cute. Drew had to head to a church member’s house after lunch. I got to watch reality shows on Tivo and talked to my own mama. Drew made me French toast for dinner (my fave) and we played some Wii and put the kids to bed just in time to watch the Survivor finale.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. My mom is the best and my mother-in-law and step-mother-in-law are right up there in rank, too! I’m lucky to have such amazing women in my life.
Crazy with a capital C.Practicing her Wii boxing skilz.
Music class with Ms. Beth
Our favorite music teacher, Ms. Beth!
Cutie pie!
10 years later.
Will built himself a cave/bed Sat. morning.
Will got a haircut this week. She chopped his bangs!
The whole group at the family reunion.
The three trouble makers.
I love this picture!!
And this one!!
Lindy really liked Missy the dog.
A mama and her kids.
Crazy hair Lindy last night!
Mother’s Day breakfast with the kids.
A massage and pedicure. woohoo!
Cute girl in a skirt I made her.
An extra Mother’s Day present. Smiling and looking at the camera at the same time!
Singing this morning in church.
I love being their mama!
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