Seems like we just survived one of the busiest weeks and weekends we’ve had in awhile. It’s good to have fun but it’s exhausting! The kids weren’t all that busy during the week but Drew was busy with meetings so I had the kids by myself three nights last week. Just makes it seem very busy.
Monday started with Will and I taking the car for an oil change. Will and I passed our time playing with a putting green which Will thought was great fun. We learned our car was way out of alignment and that our front tires needed to be replaced. We went a couple more places checking tires and I went back during naptime to get them. Nice unexpected expense. Gotta love those unexpected expenses!
Wednesday the kids had their regular music class. Instead of going home to take a nap we headed home for a bit but then headed back out to pick up Miss Lindy’s brand new glasses. We first stopped by the audiology department so we could say goodbye to our audiologist. sniff, sniff. She has worked with Lindy since she first came home from the NICU. Besides the time she was on maternity leave she has been Lindy’s only audiologist. She is also a pastor’s wife so we had that in common too. Her husband is going full time in the Navy so they are moving to San Diego in April. Although that sounds pretty neat, we are sad she is going. After saying goodbye, we headed up to the eye shop and picked up her new glasses. The first couple minutes she took them on and off a few times but since then she has done AMAZING! They significantly changed the prescription in one lens so I was worried between the new glasses and prescription change she might revert back to taking them off all the time. She proved us wrong and has been loving her new glasses. She shows people her ‘new glasses’ and asks for them back when we take them off. Her teacher at school thinks she can tell a difference too. She said Lindy hasn’t been holding things quite as close as she did. We did order new lenses for her old glasses just to have a back-up pair. They had to send those glasses off so it’s a good thing Lindy likes her new glasses because at this moment we don’t have the backup pair.
Thursday we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by wearing green. A leprechaun got into our house and made the kids’ milk and oatmeal green. That leprechaun also somehow turned the toilet water green! Will’s class had a party and I made the treats. Will was confused by St. Patrick’s Day. He kept saying it was Patrick’s birthday party we were taking treats to. He kept asking “Who is Patrick? Where does Patrick live?” He told me Patrick was turning 7 years old and we even argued about whether Patrick was a girl or a boy. I didn’t realize it would be so hard to explain St. Patrick’s Day to a 3.5 year old but it was!
Thursday night we had a March of Dimes fundraiser at Steak-n-Shake. Just by eating there they would donate some of the proceeds to our fundraising team. We appreciated everyone who came and ate. The kids had fun seeing so many people they knew. At one point Will said, “All our friends are eating at Steak-n-Shake too!” They probably thought it was crazy that so many friends were there! We were so happy to have the support of our new church but we were also thrilled that a bunch of special friends from our old church came to support us as well!
Friday was the start of our crazy, busy weekend. We all went to get Lindy from school but I went in and did a parent session with her. She rocked everything she was asked to do! She is showing her teachers how smart she is! We left straight from school and drove to Charlotte to Drew’s dad’s house. We dropped off our things and then we headed to some friends’ house to hang out. Matt and Martha have a 3.5 year old and a 6 year old. The kids played and ate dinner and then we took the kids back to Drew’s dad’s house and dropped them off. We went back and ate a delicious dinner cooked by Matt and Martha and just hung out talking until way past our normal bedtime! It was great fun to catch up with friends!
Saturday morning we got up and had some yummy French toast cooked by Grandbob! We got ready and we went and met a good friend of mine from high school, Margaret, and her one year old daughter, Kaylee. The kids had a blast playing in the warm spring weather at a really nice park. It was great to catch up with Margaret. She was my neighbor in high school in the big city of Asheboro! We left the park and had a grandparents lunch with Mimo, GrandBob and Suzette. It was nice to see so many people in one short trip to Charlotte. We got home from Charlotte and did a bunch of nothing until another good friend of mine from college stopped by for a quick visit. Heather and her husband Ben were in town so they came by to say hi. Sat. night we went to bed early!
Yesterday was another busy day as we had church and then the children of the church went bowling. It was a first for Lindy and Will. They had fun and I guess that is really all that matters but man I find things like that stressful! The afternoon started off on a bad note. Lindy took off down the lane and I took off after her. Lindy, my camera, and I all fell and hit the ground. I thought my camera lens broke but I actually fixed it today! We tried letting the kids push the ball down the lane but Lindy actually had a ball that just stopped on the lane. We ended up using the ramp thing the kids could put their balls on and that worked out good for them. I also broke a fingernail really far down that hurt. The kids had fun but we skipped naptime and towards the end they were getting out of control! They were out like a light when we got in the car to head home. I’m glad they get the chance to do these kind of things but I look forward to the day when things are calmer and we can all enjoy them.
The kids’ allergies have started back up and Will’s nose is running like crazy. His eyes were watering yesterday and he looked so miserable. Lindy started getting congested Thursday night but as you all probably know, her nose doesn’t run. Instead she gets drainage in her throat that makes her cough and eventually throw up. She threw up Friday night when Grandbob and Suzette were watching them and then Saturday in the car on the way home. I just wish her nose would run. To top off the weekend, I’ve got some mysterious rash on my face, ears, and upper back. Just lovely. Drew tells me you can’t see it unless I point it out but I’m not enjoying it!
Pictures from our crazy, busy week!
I tried the old sideways picture.
Tried to get them to pose…we need to work on it some more!
The pretty bradford pear in our yard and down the whole street.
Cathy, Lindy’s audiologist that is leaving.
This girl is seriously a crazy girl!
Lindy’s new spectacles!
Our ‘Good Luck Charmer’ on St. Patrick’s Day.
Green milk and oatmeal!
Getting really excited while playing games!
Our family at Steak-n-Shake.
The 3/4 of our family that wore green on St. Patrick’s Day. The other 1/4 refused to participate. boo.
Will loved Liam’s drum set!
And he loved Clara’s swing.
They both loved the popsicles they had for treats!
Liam, Clara, Will, and Lindy
Lindy and Kaylee at the park.
Weeeee, on the really fast slide!
Hey Kaylee!
Girl talk!
New friends hanging at the park!
Margaret, Kaylee, me, and Lindy
Trying to push the ball.
Watching to see what happens!
Pushing the ball!
All the kids from church who went bowling.
Bowling wears you out!
This is super lame, but I saw y'all at the park on Saturday--I recognized Lindy--but I didn't want to look like a stalker and come over and introduce myself! ha! I teach with Drew's mom. That playground was super fun, huh?
MY WORD!!!! I love love love Lindy's new glasses. A-DOR-A-BLE!
Girl, we had a crazy week too. Insanity. I'll blog about it later on. One kid isn't sleepy yet. ;)
I love the new glasses! She really looks adorable! Glad she likes them too!
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