We’ve had a full but very fun week. Last weekend we were so excited that our friends, Chris and Callie, and their 7 month old, Jack, came to visit from the Big Apple. I met Callie in grad school and she has become one of my best friends. It was the first time we met Jack and we were immediately smitten with him! His big, brown eyes are to die for. We had fun playing outside with little Jack.
Everyone ready for church. Couldn’t you just eat him up?
Callie is a wanna be hairdresser and had fun playing with Lindy’s hair!
Somehow I didn’t get Chris in any pictures.
Will was so sad when they left. He was watching them pull out of the driveway.
The rest of the week was fairly normal for us. Lindy had PT on Tuesday morning. We are trying out a short brace on her right leg. It’s not a custom brace but it’s a sample they had there. She is doing pretty well with it.
Wednesday was the big day for Lindy’s preschool comprehensive evaluation. It went well. They do a play-based assessment so Lindy just thought she was playing for 1.5 hours. Despite the fact that there was a school psychologist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, low vision therapist, and six other teachers from another county all watching her! She charmed the socks off of them. She walked in and immediately went up to them. She is definitely not shy! They seemed impressed with her attention span and her imaginary play. She found a dollhouse and played with it for at least 30 minutes. We’ll be anxious to get their formal reports back. Each of the therapists named will recommend how much and how many services she will receive when she turns 3 and enters the school system. We write the kids IEP’s on June 7th.
Wednesday afternoon we had hearing therapy with Chris. Lindy was able to choose two objects out of a group of 10 objects. Yeah Lindy! She was also able to choose three objects a couple different times as well. This is great. She has to listen hard to hear what we want her to get and who we want her to give it to. We have worked hard on choosing two objects but I think she has finally gotten it!
Thursday morning I made Lindy an appointment with the pediatrician. She has had a ton of congestion and a cough this week. The cough was the worst when she was sleeping. It was waking her up and then she’d start crying and sometimes she’d cry and make herself throw up. I was tired of it and wanted her looked at. Plus we are thinning their liquids so I wanted to make sure it wasn’t aspiration pneumonia. The doctor said it was definitely some allergies and maybe a little cold mixed in. She said she did have an ear infection. I wasn’t expecting that but with all the drainage it isn’t surprising. This is Lindy’s FIRST ear infection ever! She is on an antibiotic and we have switched allergy medicine to see if that works better. Her cough is better but she did throw up again last night :(
Friday Will had to have a speech evaluation in order to receive services through the school system. We are using his speech eval from December to actually qualify him but they needed to do an articulation test on him. He did have some dropped sounds so he will continue his speech therapy with the school system once he turns three.
Family picture that Callie took. Me and my best girl.
Practicing standing on one foot.
Lindy has been loving her some Mr. Potato-head this week.
Chris, Callie, and Jack got the kids a new bubble toy. They have had a blast with it!
Lindy was dressed to impress for her preschool evaluation.
Today we spent the entire day in Pinehurst at one of Aunt Anna’s horse shows. It was a gorgeous day and the kids loved being outside all day. We had fun having a picnic and getting to see lots of horses. The kids got filthy dirty and loved every second of it. Anna did a great job during her tests. On the way back home we stopped in Asheboro to eat at our favorite pizza place, Sir Pizza. We ran by my best friend’s parents’ house and we ended up bathing them and changing the kids into pj’s. I thought for sure they would sleep on the way home, but nope they were wound up.
Saying hi to PV, Anna’s horse.
PV got a little frisky with Mimo!
My artist shot of the day.
We feel so special with our "shout-out!" :) LOVE the bubble pictures and the Southern family photo. I am so jealous I missed getting to pick out Lindy's preschool evaluation outfit, though. She looks so ADORABLE!! Oh, and by the way, a wannabe hairdresser...you mean the REAL THING! Our visit was so much fun. I miss those little sweethearts already!
Great pictures, I love your daughter's glasses. i will have to check back in and see how she is doing with the brace. They are fitting my daughter for one in two weeks and she has a lot of sensory issues so I'm not sure how this is going to go!
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