We got the results of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development testing they did on the kids June 2nd. We were really pleased! At the time they were tested they were 22 months and 2 days. Their adjusted age was 18 months and 11 days. Will's results were: mental scale - 21 months; receptive language scale - 22 months; expressive language scale - 12 months; gross motor scale - 17 months; fine motor scale - 23 months. His results were: At chronological age, mental and motor skills are average and language skill is low average. When adjusted for prematurity, mental and motor skills are high average and language skills are average. Lindy's results were mental scale - 17 months; receptive language scale - 17 months; expressive language scale - 7 months; gross motor scale - 11 months; fine motor scale - 17 months. Her results were: At chronological age, mental skills are low average, language and motor skills are significantly delayed. When adjusted for prematurity, mental skills are average and language and motor skills are mildly delayed. We were very happy with both of them! Will does say words but he definitely doesn't say them around new people so he got no credit for that. Lindy obviously isn't talking yet and isn't walking yet. But mentally she is right on target with her adjusted age!
Last Sunday after the kids woke up from their nap we went to a nearby park. We walked around a bit and then sat on a blanket enjoying the afternoon. Will chased a ball down a little slope and he fell down and started crying pretty hard. We think he twisted his ankle because he couldn't walk on it for awhile. He'd try but it would buckle on him and he'd fall down. He was moving it all around so we knew it wasn't broken but he couldn't walk on it. It was so sad to see him limping that evening and the next morning. By lunch time on Monday he was back to normal.
We started the week with our only appointment of the week. We had Lindy's hearing teacher here for her regular visit. I keep meaning to write about the cool sounds Lindy has been making. She is consistently saying 'buh buh buh" now. She has been doing this sound for a few weeks now. She usually does it when she is cruising around the furniture. Last week she started making a "guh guh guh" sound as well. And in the last day or two I have heard a "ga ga ga" sound. It's so cool to hear her making sound!
Tuesday we left for a few days away in the NC mountains for Drew's annual ministers meeting. We stayed at Lake Junaluska with our friend Katie and her kids Micah and Claire. Katie's parents own the house we stay at. We love staying at their house. It was much better than last year when we took the babies for the first time. Last year it was over 90F and the house doesn't have air conditioning. This year was much cooler (even though it rained each day). Lindy was still on oxygen last year too. What a difference a year makes! We had such a good time this year. I have a newfound interest in the NC mountains and can't wait to go back and explore more!
We went up a day early so we could go do some exploring in Transylvania County - the land of waterfalls. We set out with no itinerary and no place to be and we ended up having an awesome day. We first stopped at the Cradle of American Forestry and toured their little museum. They had a 1.3 mile walking trail that we did and saw an old saw mill and a train. We had a great picnic lunch under the rhododendron thicket before heading out to our first waterfall. Our first stop was the Sliding Rock waterfall. People really slide down the rocks so we watched a bunch of people do that. Maybe one day when they are much older we can actually slide down it. We left there and went to Looking Glass waterfall. It was really big and pretty and right off the road which was nice. Our last stop was at Moore Cove waterfall which we actually had to hike over a mile to get to. But it was worth it because you could walk behind the waterfall. On the way back down the trail we saw TWO snakes. uggggg. One was a baby ring snake and the other was a 6 foot timber rattlesnake. Another family came up and the rattlesnake was in the middle of the trail. Thankfully they moved it out of the trail minutes before we got there. They pointed it out to us. It still gives me the willies just thinking about it. By the end of our hike we were pretty tired so we just took a little drive through Brevard and Hendersonville. We also rode out to Dana UMC, where Drew spent one summer doing an internship during divinity school. We had dinner in Hendersonville and then headed back to the lake.
Thursday we finally got to go down to the lake after it had rained all morning. Katie and I took the kids down and walked around a bit and went back to the house for lunch and naps. We were going to go down again but it rained again when we were getting ready to go. After dinner that night we went back down and walked around a little bit. It truly is a beautiful place to be.
Conference usually lasts until Sunday but we had to leave on Friday this year. Drew had to be at a wedding rehearsal on Friday evening. We stopped in Black Mountain for lunch and the kids slept most of the way home. Drew went to his wedding rehearsal and I dealt with two very cranky kids and unpacked. Saturday we went to the wedding and reception and the kids stayed with two youth from our church. Thankfully they went to sleep well (something Lindy did not do in the mountains).
Today we had church and then went to the 1st birthday party of a little boy in our church. The kids play with him in the nursery. It is crazy that he is only one because he bigger than both our kids and they are almost 2. Oh well. His dad is about 6'4". After we got back from the party I blew up a little baby pool and the kids went swimming for a little while. Will climbed in and out the entire time. Lindy enjoyed it because I put warm water in there. Our swimming came to a drastic halt when I realized Lindy had pooped in her swimmy diaper and it somehow escaped out the diaper. It was not pleasant!
Enjoy a ton of new pictures from the past week.
The kids church outfits last week.
Behind the waterfall
Lindy and her buddy Claire.
Will and Micah played with cars together.
Our friend Katie and Micah, Lindy, and Claire.
Lake Junaluska
The beautiful lake and mountains.
Our porch swing picture.
At lunch on the way home.
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