I didn't think we did much this week and I didn't think I took many pictures, but I was wrong on both accounts.
We spent all last weekend with Mimo here. The babies always have fun with her. She babysat a couple nights for us so we could go to a wedding rehearsal and wedding. Thanks Mimo for all the help. An extra hand around here is so much help!!
Sunday the babies got to try zwieback toast for the first time. What a mess! The babies seemed to really enjoy it but we didn't enjoy the cleanup so much! Lindy was so funny with it. She'd have it really close to her face to check it out and would then stick it in her mouth. She'd pull it out and stare at it up close and then stick it back in her mouth. They have also had biter biscuits this week and they make just as bad a mess. Hopefully it is feeling good on their teeth though! The babies also got to brush their teeth for the first time Sunday. We've been wiping their mouths out with a washcloth but I finally got them toothbrushes so we've tried them out this week. They don't seem to mind too much!
Tuesday morning we had Lindy's deaf and hard of hearing teacher at the house. Then I took the babies to town and met some friends, Donna and Vicky, for lunch. Will sat in a big boy high chair for the first time ever! I forgot my camera though. What kind of mother am I? They both did really well during lunch. Then I was really brave and took both of them to Walmart by myself for the first time! I just took the double stroller in because I just needed a couple things. All the attention still catches me off guard.
Wednesday Lindy had a hearing test at Baptist and she did pretty well. We put her in the sound booth and she did so much better than last time. We had her hearing aides off and the audiologist was coming through the speakers. I was surprised at how much she turned in response. When she turns in response to a sound a dog in the corner lights up and barks. After lowering the lights we think she could actually see the dog. The audiologist said her hearing is about what we expected. She said it's more in the mild range for low frequencies but then it drops off with the higher frequencies. A lot of speech sounds are up in the high frequencies. She did a little better than we expected in some of the higher frequencies so she was able to turn her hearing aides down just a little bit. We are seeing definite responses with her hearing aides so that is exciting!
Thursday the babies finally got their one year old shots at the pediatrician's office. It was just a nurse visit since we'd already been for the actual doctor's appointment. Neither one of them enjoyed the four shots but both calmed down pretty quickly. We medicated with Tylenol throughout the day and neither seemed to have any problems. Will's second tooth also seemed to break through the surface on Thursday. Lindy also started eating whole Puffs on Thursday. She gags a little bit but otherwise does well with them.
Today the babies had lunch for the first time. We hadn't gotten around to starting lunch because neither seemed to be needing more food. I'm still not sure they do but I decided that lunch would be our time to explore some new foods and some finger foods. They had yogurt today for the first time at lunch. I think the temperature caught Lindy off guard at first but then she ate it. We just shared one YoBaby cup and they didn't finish it but it was good to start something new. All we do each day is sleep and eat! Seems like there really isn't that much time for anything else! This evening we went out and the babies took their first ride in their new wagon. They were so cute. Will loved it. Lindy kicked back and threw her foot up and rode for awhile before getting a little fussy. I wish we had some sidewalks we could go out on a real walk! The highway we live on just doesn't cut it!
Enjoy some pictures of the week.
"Don't bother me, I'm teething."
Standing is fun!
Zwieback toast!
Cute church outfits.
Cool babies! Check out Lindy with her leg cocked up!
They are growing up so fast! They are precious little ones. I remember the teething biscuits! OH MY! I threw the entire box out after they ate their first one. I tell you one thing that works great and doesn't make that big of a mess is the mini eggos!! They were wonderful. Again I would love to hear from you. Email me if you get a chance. eyechic03@yahoo.com. I have tried to email you a few times and I think your address has changed from the last time I talked with you. Take care!
They are so precious, just want to let you know I have always prayed for your children and you both they are precious and I knew the Lord would do his will and that prayers keep going up for you and your little miracles, HE performs them daily without the Lord we couldnt make it, I know I can never thank HIM enough for what he has done for me. This reminds me of our blessed and little miracle Cody of Dwight and Delores's he is a blessing from the Lord, they all are I have a wonderful family and thank the Lord daily for all of them.
Just to let you know who I am I am
Dwight and Delores Ashburn's niece.
God Bless,Love in Christ
Emily Blankenship
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