I hope Drew has had a good Father’s Day. Drew got presents, Bojangles for lunch, and a long nap. I think that makes for a pretty good day in his book!
It seems like it was a long week with a good bit going on. Lindy FINALLY finished school on Tuesday. Seems like it was never going to end! They had an awards ceremony and little graduation for the two students graduating from the hearing impaired preschool classroom. Lindy was supposed to graduate but since she is going back two days a week next year she didn’t get to. Will and I went at 10am and watched a cute slideshow her teacher had put together, saw all the kids get their awards and saw the two graduates in their caps and gowns! We had snacks and then we were out of there around 11am. We swung by Krispy Kreme for an original glazed doughnut milkshake as a special end of school year treat. We came home for lunch and then Aunt Jamie called to see if we wanted to meet her at the mall. I thought, why the heck not, we’re celebrating today! We met her at the mall and had fun shopping. I spent some gift cards and got some new shirts. Our mall has added a little train that you can pay to go on a ride around the top half. Seeing as it was the last day of school, Lindy, Will and I went for a ride. Aunt Jamie wouldn’t go. The kids loved it. Will was just giggling the whole ride! We left the mall and headed home and both kids were out like a light in the car. We were headed to a church cookout for dinner so we swung by and got Drew and we let the kids continue to sleep in the car for a little while. We had a great time at the cookout. The couple hosting it live at the base of Pilot Mountain and it was a gorgeous view. They had a great yard for the cookout and it was a beautiful evening. It was seriously the exact right temperature for a cookout! The kids had a blast. Will wanted to play with all the fun games in the basement and somehow convinced Mr. Bernie to take him down there! Lindy went from person to person trying to take drinks from the soda cans or bottles of water. I seriously couldn’t leave her alone or she was filching someone’s drink. Tuesday was a busy day!
Wednesday we took it easy and slept in on our first day of summer.
Thursday we reverted back to Lindy’s baby days and she had three doctors’ appointments. When she came home from the NICU we had multiple appointments a day all the time. That was 3.5 years ago and I’m a lot older. Lindy and I were WORN out at the end of the day.
She started the day with an audiologist appointment. It was the first appointment with our new audiologist, since our old one moved this spring. The first thing they do is a tympanogram – which checks your eardrums. Lindy’s eardrums were not moving. Neither one of them. That was the first time that had ever happened. She had a little negative pressure in her ears in February (which means there was a little bit of fluid then). We tried putting her in the testing booth but she was not cooperating at all. She kept messing with the things in her ears and the clips on the shirt and talking and telling me to be quiet. She kept playing with the blocks and games she uses when she hears a sound. She was doing everything but listening.
Thankfully our second scheduled appointment of the morning was with the ENT. Drew met me at the ENT office because we thought we would be talking about her paralyzed vocal cord (not her ears). He checked her ears and said they were not infected but there was definitely fluid in there. He can’t tell how long it’s been in there but because her ear drums were pulled back a little he thinks it could have been there awhile. We talked about her allergies and how she has been congested a lot this spring. The plan is to treat her aggressively for allergies for one month and see if that clears up the fluid. If it doesn’t then it looks like she could be headed for tubes. They take fluid in the ears of a hearing impaired child pretty seriously. It’s making her already poor hearing even poorer! We’ll see what happens in a month. The other reason for the visit was to talk about her vocal cord and the possible surgeries. There is a new surgery that our hospital is doing on kids as young as 3. At this point we’ve decided to wait. We’ll kind of take stock again when we see how she does in a class with typically developing kids this fall. Drew went with me so he could hear about the surgery and ask questions. Big thanks to our friend Katie who kept Will while Drew came to the appointment. Will had a blast playing with Micah and Claire!
Lindy and I meanwhile ate our lunch in the car and then headed to physical therapy to get Lindy’s new braces (that we casted 2 months ago and the paperwork got messed up on – ugggg). Heather worked the whole time getting her braces right and then at the end told us that she isn’t going to be seeing kids in the clinic anymore. She is going to be working over at the hospital full time now. It was a surprise to hear but I’m happy for her because I know this will be better for her. She is a working mom and it will make her life better so we can’t be upset. We’ll miss her but we hopefully weren’t going to be seeing her that much anyway. She thinks Lindy is doing great! Lindy actually ran in the door – really ran. It was the first time Heather had seen it. We will be seeing Jill in a month to check on her braces. We saw Jill while Heather was on maternity leave a few months ago.
Lindy and I literally crashed on Thursday evening. We were so exhausted from all the appointments. We’re not young whipper-snappers anymore! ha ha.
Friday morning we returned the favor and we watched Micah and Claire while Katie had a doctor’s appointment. The kids loved having friends over to play. Friday afternoon Lindy had one more doctor’s appointment at the pediatrician's office to check on a rash on her side that she’s had for weeks now. It wasn’t going anywhere and seemed to be getting more red. The PA said it was nummular eczema. We have a prescription hydrocortisone crème to put on her for a week and see if that clears up. She has never been bothered by it but something was definitely up and it wasn’t looking so pretty.
The only other excitement of the weekend was that Katie, Kris, Micah, and Claire came back over on Saturday night for a sewing playdate! Kris and Drew watched the kids while Katie and I sewed dresses for Lindy and Claire. It was so much fun figuring them out and sewing together. If I do say so myself, they are so cute! The girls wearing them are even cuter!!
This post was long and Lindy-heavy, but she had a big week. Now for some pictures!
Lindy’s first day and last day of school pictures! I think she has changed a ton. She looks so much older!I tried to get the same angle but don’t think I did so well. I was trying to compare her head to the door knob to see how much she grew. She grew a little this year!
Getting her award from Mrs. Asbury
Lindy’s class. They are a motley crew!
Lindy and Mrs. Asbury
Lindy and Ms. Mary
Lindy and Ms. Glenn
Riding the train at the mall!
Will was practically squealing when we first took off!
A couple of happy train riders!
Claire and Lindy modeling the dresses Katie and I made for them!
Lindy was fooling around and Claire thought she was funny! These two are becoming good buds!
Drew opening his cards and presents this morning.
We Love Daddy!
Headed out the door to church! I might have found another clothing option for their 4 year old birthday pictures next month!
I do want to wish my father a Happy Father’s Day. He is a great dad and Papa. He has always supported us in everything we do and at the same time made sure we did the best we could do. He is a generous person – from which I have benefited greatly I should also wish my father-in-law a Happy Father’s Day. I got pretty lucky in getting that SOB (Sweet Old Bob) for a father-in-law. Another kind, supportive, and wonderful grandfather in our lives. We couldn’t live without our dads!
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