We had a 10th fiesta birthday party for the family party. I was trying to think of something easy to fix and a taco bar seemed to fit that bill. I hadn't planned on decorating but at the last minute I decided I had to. I'm not sure why I just can't let things be but I just feel like a party deserves decorations.
The kids were well celebrated by Sunday evening. As it should be - you only hit double digits one time in your life!
He got a cardboard virtual reality phone holder
Will chilaxin on his birthday
Fiesta Forever, all night long, all night, all night, all night long!
It's not a fiesta until the Muchacho shows up.
Baby mustache Muchachos are the absolute best!
The Muchacho on the left takes her job seriously.
Hard Muchachos need to lighten up! It's a party!
"Who's this sketchy, mean Muchacho beside me?"
Sweet, Southern Muchacho family with a couple of 10 year olds in the middle!
A few sneaked out before we broke out the mustaches. I will get them next year!
Happy Birthday Lindy, Will, and Adam!!! 10 years of Lindy and Will and 10 years without Adam. How does time go so incredibly fast?
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