Backing up to the week of August 15th...It was the last week of summer camp for the kids. They did a little bit of everything this summer and it sure did make it go by quickly. I think they enjoyed the summer and they had some fun field trips with their camps.
The last week of camp was the State Fair themed week. They went Monday through Thursday that week. Lindy came home from camp on Monday with her face completely painted like a Doberman Pincher. Monday night we went out to eat with Mike and Janice. We hadn't seen them for awhile and it was pure luck that it worked out to eat with them while they were in town. We had other plans that changed at the last minute and we got to meet at the ice cream shop. We've been meeting them at the ice cream shop for the last 6 years and I hope we never stop!
The kids had their 9 year old well child visits on Tuesday the 16th. Overall things are good. No major concerns, although Will's growth did slow down a bit. Lindy gained 5lbs and grew 2.25 inches this year. Great growth, even if it's on her own curve. Will gained 3lbs and grew 1.5 inches. That's a little lower than usual. While not totally concerned, she does want him to get 200-300 more calories in every day. She wants him to eat them at night before going to bed. That has been a change for us but he has done pretty well. He is usually eating a protein bar and a glass of milk and that gets him up to 300. We hope it works and he grows a little more this year. Lindy weighed around 48 pounds and Will around 38. They were the exact same height. I took them to camp after the appointment and then we ate dinner with Lynn that evening.
Wednesday the kids went to camp and they went on a field trip. They went to a park in Burlington. Will said it seemed really fun from the outside but then it was a little boring once you did everything inside. There were some sort of rides, like a carousel and train. In the afternoon they went to a bounce house in Greensboro and I think they loved that.
Thursday was a normal camp day but we had a busy evening. We got Will a haircut right after work, grabbed a pizza for dinner, put Lindy through the shower and then met our photographer for 9 year old pictures. One of my least favorite days of the year. I ask for family pictures once, maybe twice a year, and everyone hates it. Kids don't realize that they make the whole thing last longer by misbehaving. Just stand and smile and we'd be out of there faster. I always come away from pictures so frustrated. Hopefully they will be worth it in the end!
Friday the kids were supposed to take a field trip with the camp and they were going swimming. I didn't feel comfortable with that so Lynn offered to keep them for the day. We had a lazy night but a fun Saturday.
Saturday morning we met the Bryants for a tubing trip. We met up in Stokes County and we tubed down the Dan River. None of us had ever been (even though we lived there for 7 years). One reason we never went was because I had always heard there were snakes in the Dan. We had a picnic lunch white waiting for the Bryants to get there. It was a little confusing getting it all figured out but we eventually got on our bus and got dropped off at the top of the tubing route. And wouldn't you know it, Lindy and I got in the river and, no joke, two minutes later a snake swims under my feet and keeps going about its merry way. I about died. Drew and Will weren't even in the water yet! There is no getting out though. Once you are in you have to float your way 3 miles to the exit part. Thankfully we never saw another one. We had a great time and the day was perfect. There was a little incident with Drew and Will floating under a tree at the very end. We had the kids tied to our tubes because the water was way up and moving faster in some parts. One of them floated toward the tree and before I knew it, Will was under his tube and they were all tangled up with the tree! Drew managed to get them loose but he lost a hat in the process. I caught Will's water bottle that was floating down the river. It was a dramatic ending to the trip!
Lindy had woken up that morning with a bit of a cold. By the time we were done she wasn't feeling very good. We headed home and her cold continued to get worse. The doctor asked me on Tuesday if I had all Lindy's medicines. I forgot to check so I honestly didn't know. I told her we had had the healthiest winter yet. I never even used Lindy's inhaler. I told her I'd check them and let her know if I needed them. I didn't think it'd be 5 days later I would be messaging her for more meds. Both things I give her when she gets sick were out of date. I jinxed myself at the doctor!
Lindy had a fever and didn't feel good on Sunday morning. I went and taught Sunday school with Will while Lindy stayed home with Lindy. I left a few minutes early and came home and Drew headed to church. Lynn, Brian and Anna came to church so Will had them to sit with. They came over for lunch afterwards. I spent the afternoon getting our lives in order. I had stacks of papers from last school year I had not been through. I got all that sorted and filed away. It is always nice to get things in order.
Our little Doberman Pincher
glasses from camp
Micah, and the cooler
and Kris
and Will
and my Girl
alternated between looking like she felt good
looking like she didn't feel good.
Tubing and Tootsie roll pops
panoramic of the whole group - and my feet.
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