Monday, September 3, 2012

Last Week of Summer

We kept busy this past week.  Trying to cram things into the last week of summer.

Monday started with Lindy having a physical therapy appointment.  She played around a little more than usual, which I wasn’t happy about.  She did get some good work in too.  That night I went to my mothers of multiples meeting. 

Tuesday and Wednesday we spent at the mall.  We never go to the mall.  I was on a mission to find Will jeans that fit better than the Old Navy ones I had bought him.  The boy is so skinny that I have to pull the adjustable waist so far and then they get all bunchy around his waist.  I found slim pants at Crazy 8 on Tuesday but I knew I had a coupon at home, which is why we had to go back on Wednesday.  I was so excited to find slim for him!  Tuesday the kids also got a haircut.  We totally cashed in on the free haircuts that JCPenny was offering.  Afterwards I saw something that said grades K-6, so I’m not sure we technically qualified but they didn’t say anything.  How awesome to get a free haircut!  Will got a great hair cut and I only got Lindy’s bangs trimmed.  No one can seem to cut her bangs straight.  I had to end up fixing them at home.  It’s not the first time.  It’s also why I usually just cut her hair myself. 

Thursday morning we got to go to the kids’ school and see their rooms and teachers.  Lindy’s teacher is Will’s teacher from last year and she is so excited.  Will is moving up to another 4-5 year old class and he is excited as well.  I think he was actually more excited for Lindy to be in his old classroom but he got pretty excited when we saw his cubby and he saw all the new toys he gets to play with.  I think they are both going to have a fantastic year!  We loved Will’s teacher last year and I’ve heard nothing but great things about his teacher this year. 

Friday night I found a $40 gift card to Chili’s so we headed out to eat.  Always nice to find a gift card for food – especially at the end of the month! 

Saturday morning the kids had a fun opportunity to do a photo shoot and eat cookies!!  Drew’s aunt and uncle own a local cookie shop – The Cookie House – at the mall.  They are in the midst of redoing the shop and their idea is to put pictures of kids on the walls eating cookies.  They asked the kids to be in the pictures.  Joan and Curtis had their grandkids there and another little boy as well.  I don’t want to brag but our kids were the most cooperative and willing.  They did pretty good and loved eating the cookies.  We did have a slight mishap when Drew had to take Lindy over to the bushes so she could throw up.  (I’m pretty sure Joan and Curtis didn’t realize this.  Sorry if you are reading this, Joan!)  It wasn’t the cookies.  Trust us they are awesome, but I think her tummy was upset.  My stomach had been a little off all week and I think it was the beginning of her tummy being a little off as well.  She threw up and then was right back to eating cookies so it didn’t phase her one bit.  We can’t wait to see the pictures on the walls!  When Drew was young they got to go to the Cookie House as a special treat.  He can’t believe his kids’ pictures are going to be on the walls!!

Saturday night was our first Wake Forest football game of the year.  We had a storm blow through around 2:30pm but it passed and the skies cleared up.  We met to tailgate at 4:30pm and watched the skies get darker and darker the whole time.  Lindy ended up throwing up again at the tailgate – she had had too much to drink.  Lemonade, of course!  But again I think her stomach was just not right.  She literally projectile vomited while everyone was sitting there eating (thankfully she got none on herself!) and then wanted to eat more.  Throw up just doesn’t phase that child.  The rest of us were grossed out and we all had to move our chairs.  Will pooped in our little car potty.  My, how our tailgates have changed.  Throw up on one side of the van and a bag of poop on the other.  It looked like a bunch of frat boys had partied by our van.  ha ha!

We headed into the game and as we were walking it started sprinkling.  We sat down for just a few minutes and the rain got a little heavier.  I ended up in the concourse with Lindy because hearing aids and rain don’t mix.  I was just going to take them out but she didn’t want me to.  Will finally joined us after awhile, as did Kris and Claire who were at the game, too.  I finally let the kids play the iPad and my phone.  I missed the entire first half.  We ended up seeing friends and talking to them.  At half time we headed back to our seats since it had stopped raining.  The rest of the evening was messy.  The football game was messy – could be a long season- and the stadium was messy.  Under our feet it was so muddy.  The kids’ shoes are so gross.  Thankfully they were their old ones. 

Yesterday we had church and I went and did some grocery shopping.  Today I labored around the house doing yard work.  I pulled up flowers, emptied pots, and mowed the yard.  Right after lunch we went swimming with LeeAnn and her family at her parents’ house.  We all had fun.  Drew got quite a workout playing with the boys.  The big news was that Will jumped off the diving board!  LeeAnn said she wanted him to do it by the end of the summer and he did!  The last day!  Lindy also went off a couple times.  LeeAnn helped her because she won’t jump out and she kind of just lowered her in the water.  Then I tried to help her and I let her go and she went all the way under.  Oops!  They both went down the slide as well.  Will went from the very top which he’d never done either.  We had fun until the rain came.  We came back and did a few more yard things outside before getting cleaned up. 

We will be in bed early tonight since tomorrow is the first day of school!  The kids will be going 5 days a week this year.  What will I do with myself??!! 

Playing at the mall.IMG_1341IMG_1343IMG_1344I don’t remember what was wrong but is that not the most pitiful face?DSC_6679All better – with crooked bangs.DSC_6680Fine looking boy with a fine looking haircut!DSC_6690DSC_6698So sweet!DSC_6701We played outside with bubbles one night.  Love these pictures, especially of Will!DSC_6703DSC_6709DSC_6712DSC_6716DSC_6718Bubbles somehow turned into hanging watering cans in the tree in the front yard.  Hmmm…DSC_6733This is the ‘car’ the kids have been riding in all week.  Will is driving the car and Lindy is in her car seat.  They’ve been all over.  They have spent a lot of time at the mall in Greensboro where everything is free.  (Because at our mall the carousel and train cost money – think he heard that this week?!)DSC_6737Go Deacs!  First tailgate and first game!  Sporting new shirts Miss Callie gave them last fall.DSC_6751DSC_6738The Bryants – minus Micah who was at a birthday party.DSC_6756The other SouthernsDSC_6757Good buddies!DSC_6759Can’t forget Will!DSC_6760Our Wake Forest family!DSC_6766IMG_1354IMG_1358Bob and Suzette were great babysitters during the game!IMG_1360 Sweet girl in the cutest outfit before church!DSC_6774DSC_6780Swimming today with friends.DSC_6795DSC_6805About to jump!DSC_6822Yay Will!DSC_6830Getting ready.DSC_6825DSC_6826DSC_6828DSC_6836DSC_6843Bumper cars with Olivia!DSC_6851Sweet Olivia!DSC_6856DJ and Nicholas gave Drew a run for his money today.  He got a good workout wrestling and playing football with them!DSC_6859

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