Monday, July 25, 2011

White Shirt, Tan Shorts Pictures

Much to the men's disgust, we made them dress up in white shirts and tan shorts for the traditional beach pictures on Wednesday night.  We ended up waiting too late and ran out of light and so we made them do it AGAIN on Thursday night!  You can only imagine how thrilled they were with us!

And the funny part is that in the end we still didn’t get any GREAT pictures.  Maybe next time my parents will take my suggestion of a professional photographer!

Anywho, here are some of the best ones we got.


IMG_7500IMG_7538DSC_1246IMG_7547IMG_7558IMG_7567IMG_7578IMG_7630Take two on Thursday night!IMG_7978IMG_7998IMG_8007IMG_8035IMG_8078IMG_8174IMG_8203IMG_8215IMG_8285

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