Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Weekend of Fun With Nana and Papa

We had a full week of school last week.  I’m glad the kids are in school but it puts a crimp in our our social calendar!  I think a four day school week would be perfect!

I had a parent session with Lindy and her teacher on last Monday and for the first time she did a great job at her parent session.  She rocked all her speech babble, even the new ones her teacher made up.  Then she did awesome at picking three critical elements.  Something we’ve worked on for SOOOO long and she was never consistent at it.  It seems like it might be starting to click!  Yay!!

Wednesday morning Will had speech therapy and Wednesday afternoon we had music class.  The kids got rain makers that they enjoyed making noise with this week.  We have to make our own rain makers this week for class.

My parents drove down Thursday afternoon and rolled in around 1am that morning.  They greeted the kids when they woke up Friday morning.  Unfortunately it was a school day so we got up and around as normal.  My mom and I took Lindy to school and Will to speech and then we came home for a bit.  We loaded back up to go pick Lindy  up from school and went out for lunch.  Drew headed out of town for the weekend and the kids and I played with Nana and Papa all weekend.  After naptime on Friday we headed out to dinner and enjoyed a pumpkin Krispy Kreme doughnut.  Yummy!

Saturday was my Mom’s birthday!  Happy birthday Mom!  We were so excited we got to help you celebrate.  We headed out for lunch and then we went to Patterson Farms to the pumpkin patch.  I was shocked at how many people were at this farm!  We looked at and fed some goats first and then got in a wagon to go on a little ride to the pumpkins.  It still wasn’t a true pumpkin patch as the pumpkins were all brought to one place and not out in the patch on vines.  But it was still neat.  You could stay out in the little field as long as you wanted and catch a wagon whenever you wanted to head back.  We got the kids pumpkins and headed back.  Then they had a big play area for the kids that we spent awhile in.  They had some playground equipment and the most fun thing was the corn pits.  It was a big sandbox but it was filled with corn.  Will jumped in and loved it from the start but Lindy did not like it at first.  She hated it until I started playing with it.  She ended up LOVING it!  They had so much fun!  We finally left the pumpkin patch and drove around the area and headed for dinner to celebrate Nana’s birthday.  The kids were so wired the whole way home.  Will was seriously screaming “Happy Birthday” at my mom.  We got home and had some birthday cake and put those crazy kids to bed!

My parents left today and Drew got back home this afternoon.  It was SOO nice having the company and help while Drew was gone.  It worked out so well that it was my mom’s birthday and we got to celebrate with her.  Once Drew got home we headed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. 

Back to the school week bright and early tomorrow morning!

We tried some painting outside one day.DSC_3055 Will found a new game of running through the swings and hitting them with his golf clubs.DSC_3063 DSC_3065 The kids LOVE going down the hill in the little red wagon in our backyard.  DSC_3078 DSC_3090 DSC_3091 DSC_3095 DSC_3103 Will made a pumpkin crown in school this week.DSC_3108 Playtime with Daddy!DSC_3124 DSC_3130 The kids also love the pillows on the couch.  They love to hide under them.DSC_3133 DSC_3132 Covering Daddy and then laying on him.DSC_3134 Checking out the Halloween decorations.DSC_3159 DSC_3163Thursday afternoon we went to the park.  It was really fun until Will fell and skinned his knee and elbow and then had a little poop accident in his britches.  Other than that it was a blast!DSC_3166  A little static on the slides!DSC_3168 DSC_3176 Snuggling with Nana after his nap.DSC_3186 Cute Halloween kids.  DSC_3202 Happy Birthday Nana!  Helping her open her presents.DSC_3218 Waiting in line for the wagon out to the pumpkins.DSC_3244 Riding out to the pumpkins.DSC_3248 DSC_3250 DSC_3253 Pumpkins!DSC_3261 DSC_3265 DSC_3270  DSC_3287 Lindy taking a rest on a pumpkin!DSC_3294 DSC_3297 Hugging a pumpkin!DSC_3303 DSC_3316 DSC_3328 DSC_3339 Our short kids!  I think Lindy is taller than what it looks like, her knees are bent.DSC_3353 Trying to get Lindy to stand still.  Didn’t happen.DSC_3359 Corn pit!DSC_3377 DSC_3380 DSC_3386 DSC_3387DSC_3394DSC_3399  Riding high!DSC_3420    They were SO wired!DSC_3427 DSC_3434 Happy Birthday Nana!DSC_3441 Reading the kids their night-night books.DSC_3443 DSC_3455 DSC_3457 DSC_3461

Wow, that’s a lot of pictures.  But that was only 52 of the 363 I took last week.  Just be glad I didn’t put all 363 on here!

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