Let us review...Monday and Tuesday were normal days but Wednesday was an early release. It was also Lemonade and Lollipops day at school. Their school had the Boosterthon Fun Run a couple weeks ago and the 2nd grade teachers put some incentives in place. They got extra recess, lemonade and lollipops on Wednesday - the early release day. Which makes it sound like they probably didn't have to do too much actual work! I'm sure they loved it.
Thursday was Bubblegum Blowout day at school but only Will got to participate. He said they learned about the history of gum and then got to try old gum - Dentine, chiclets, and one other I can't remember. He didn't like the Dentine because it was cinnamon flavor. He didn't try the Chiclets because someone said the red ones were hotter than Dentine.
Lindy didn't participate because she had her annual D/HH and VI Field day. That's field day for deaf or hard of hearing and visually impaired. Or in her case - for both! Lindy was so super excited for this day she even woke up early. It was also the first time Drew and I could not go. With Drew's new job he couldn't go and it fell on a day when I was out of town all day for work. Mimo stepped in to save the day and she got to go see Lindy at field day. Most importantly, she took some pictures for me. Lindy seemed to have a blast. She got to see her preschool hearing teacher and she got to see Ms. Jenny who runs her summer camp. She got to play with water balloons and the best part - she got to see a real live guide dog. The highlight of her day. The other part was missing school. She was gone from about 9:30am to 1pm. On the back of her t-shirt it said, "We Matter. Respect the Difference." It's a shirt that I think applies to everyone in the world right now. Lindy loved that shirt. She came out that morning telling us we all needed to respect her. She said she was telling people at school, too. Ha! I'm sure that went over well. She even told the dog and cat to respect her. That girl!
Friday at school was silly sock and crazy hat day. I had to go buy Will some silly socks - because that is not usually his style - but he promised to wear them. They both looked cute in their get ups. We had the coolest hats we got from a Wake Forest football game last year - given out by the girls basketball team. They had fun.
We had a little more grandparent help this weekend because Drew was out of town hiking with friends. I normally pick the kids up on Fridays but it was the day before one of my March for Babies walks so I couldn't. My mom came over and picked the kids up and watched them for me. They stopped for yogurt on the way home. I got home about 6pm and we went to dinner and to Target.
Saturday morning I was out of the house at 5am for my walk. Mom got the kids up and got them ready for their sporting activities. My dad and Sadie came over to watch the kids. They went to tennis with Will and then they grabbed McDonald's and ate it on the way to Lindy's baseball game. I think Lindy had another fun time at her game. She had a new buddy, McKenzie. They got home and I got home not too long after them. We had a beautiful walk and we had lots of volunteers so we were able to get it set up and broken down quicker than normal. We got back and unloaded and I was home before 3pm. My dad and I worked on installing track lights over our kitchen island. Because I could stand on the island and not hit my head I did most of it. He had to tell me what to do and he drilled a couple holes in but I did a lot of it! As my mom said, we made a good team. It is so great to have light there now! I love it! He fixed another light in my laundry room. For the first time ever I'll have light when I'm doing laundry at night! My parents left in the evening and the kids and I just hung out. They watched a movie and then it was to bed for everyone.
We woke up on Sunday morning and Will did not feel well. He sneezed a ton on Saturday and then he just felt bad all day. He sneezed tons of snot out, had a headache, a sore throat. He laid on the couch the entire day. He seemed to perk up a little after his bath.
Lou was all ready for Field Day on Thursday!
Lindy's shirt.
Lindy and Ms. Jenny and Mr. Thao.
Lindy and Ms. Asbury!
The visually impaired crew from Lindy's school.
Silly socks and silly hat day. Basketball hoop hats and pizza and dog socks.
Lindy and her buddy at baseball on Saturday.
Funny pic! There was a collision but no one was hurt!
Sweet, sneezy Will
Saturday afternoon I learned how to put track lights up!
Doesn't every cat curl up on a Target bag?
Since Will was sick we missed church. We used the time to finish a project Lindy had to do for school. She had to pick a person to do a timeline and make a head. Can you tell who it is? ha ha ha
It's Helen Keller! Try making Helen Keller out of a coffee can. It's the best we came up with.