Sunday, January 25, 2015

Stomach Bug Attack

As great as the weekend was, it went downhill pretty quickly on Tuesday.  Drew and I both had stomach problems most of Tuesday but I thought it must have been something I ate.  I didn’t realize Drew was having stomach problems until late in the afternoon.  The kids had Tuesday off of school too and Will had mentioned his stomach had hurt that morning but Drew said he was fine.   I walked in the door at 6pm from a late meeting and was met with Lindy throwing up on the kitchen floor.  She had started throwing up at 5pm.  She was pretty consistently throwing up for a couple hours before she finally fell asleep on the couch.  She slept for a couple hours and woke up and threw up for a couple hours.  She did that most of the night.  What I thought was just an upset stomach might have really been a stomach bug for Drew and me.

Lindy stayed home from school on Wed.  I spent the morning with her and Drew spent the afternoon with her.  She threw up a couple times in the morning from drinking too fast.  I walked out of the room one time and she chugged half a glass of Sprite.  She promptly threw it up and got a big lecture.  We started in with ice chips every 10-15 mins and finally things started staying down.  She was actually pretty normal by afternoon.  She enjoyed her day of laying around watching shows on the iPad. 

Will never did get sick, thank goodness.  Drew and I each had some sort of relapse at the end of the week.  Nothing really happened to me but I felt nauseous and just not good on Thursday.  Drew experienced a similar thing on Saturday. 

Friday night Drew and I went out to eat with some new friends from the kids’ school.  Well we’ve known them all since last year when we all had kids in the same class (Will’s).  Patrick is in a different class this year but Will and Katie are together again this year.  We had a nice time and it was fun getting to know new people.  Ms. Martha watched the kids for us and the kids loved it. 

The weekend wasn’t a ton of fun.  It was more of getting life and house in order.  I’ve been on a roll each weekend trying to get things in order.  This weekend I worked on filing and taxes.  But I think I’m ahead of the game for taxes so that is pretty sweet!  The only thing the kids and I did on Saturday was go get haircuts and go to the grocery store.  Drew was in and out all day but the kids and I spent most of it at home.

Today we had church and then more stuff at home.  I’ve developed a new illness which I think is sinus related.  I think I had fluid in my right ear because I can’t hear well out of it.  I have a ton of snot and haven’t felt great all day.  We are ready for everyone to be healthy again.  Will also had copious amounts of snot and we are all tired of it!

Here’s hoping for healthy, snot-free week!

Fresh haircuts from the Tom and Jerry fansIMG_6441
Church this morning.  She looks long – but I think it’s the dress!DSC_2852
Stud with his hands in his pockets!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Birthday Weekend

We had to get through the whole week to make it to the very special day of my birth.  Somehow we managed – although it was hard.

Nothing much happened last week except an icy day off of school.  Tuesday night we went to bed and at 5:17am we got a two hour delay call.  Somewhere around 7:30am we got the call that school was actually cancelled.  And the kids hooped and hollered for joy.  I went to work late but I did have to go for a couple meetings.  The roads were fine by the time I headed in. 

It was a fun week for Will.  He was student of the week so he had special privileges all week.  He got to make a poster and show his class.  It had pictures of all the things he liked and his family.  It got to hang in the hall all week too.  He got to do a share every day of the week.  He took two magic tricks in.  He was supposed to be the flag holder on the Eagle Eye news on Wednesday but school was cancelled.  I think she has him rescheduled for next week though.  We went in on Thursday and had lunch with him and got to do a share with him.  Drew and Will did a magic trick together  - one Will had to have a partner (assistant) for and one he’d been really wanting to show his class.  We also read one of Will’s favorite books, If I Built A House.  On Friday he got his teacher to play Happy and the class got to dance for his share!  He’s so goofy!  On Friday I also volunteered at school the entire morning which was nice.  I hardly get to do anything in their classrooms this year.  They had Serendipity Day.  We don’t know where the name comes from.  They pick an author and all 5 1st grade classrooms read a different book by the author and do a craft.  The author last week was Jan Brett.  I was in Will’s class and the kids got to decorate a gingerbread man after reading the book.  We had to keep getting everything ready for each class that came in.  They actually mix all the kids up between classes.  There are usually about 5 from each class.  Lindy and Will actually ended up in the same class that day.  Lindy liked sitting by him. 

Friday afternoon I sat in the DMV office for 2 hours renewing my license that was getting ready to expire.  Then the fun weekend started.  My thoughtful hubby planned a surprise dinner with friends Friday night.  We ate Italian with Katie and Kris and Ed and Jamie.  We hung out after dinner and then Drew and I spent the night in downtown WS at the Brookstown Inn.  It was nice to have a night away and the chance to sleep in in the morning. Mimo was the sweet one to come help Drew pull off his surprise and the kids were super excited to spend time with her.  We came home Saturday around lunchtime and got a few things done around the house.  That afternoon Bob and Suzette showed up.   They had been in the area for a funeral but I think they really just wanted to celebrate me on my special day.  Ed and Jamie came over and we had a little celebration of Jamie that night.  Bob got us pizza – but no doughnuts.  I mean, who doesn’t get the birthday girl doughnuts?  Bob doesn’t!  Bob and Suzette headed out but Jamie and Ed stuck around and did some Just Dance 2015 with Will and me. 

Sunday – my actual birthday – we headed to church and to lunch with Mimo.  After lunch we packed an overnight bag and headed out to Cary for the evening.  We spent the night with my best friend, Carrie. It was fun to celebrate my birthday with her.  She cooked yummy lasagna and a yummy cake.   Even if it wasn’t rainbow chip frosting.  They looked in 5 stores for my favorite icing.  What nice friends I have!  The kids had fun playing together.  The adults had fun chatting after the kids went to bed! 

Will really did have a big week because he lost his other front tooth Sunday night at Carrie’s house.  Actually I knocked it out!!  While brushing his teeth that night.  He had done them and I was going over them and I thought I saw something and then I heard something hit the floor.  He had no clue it had happened.  I didn’t know it was that loose.  I gave up caring about it when he wouldn’t pull it out before Xmas.  I hadn’t wiggled it in a long time.  He thought it was cool it happened in Cary.  And don’t worry, the tooth fairy found him in Cary!

Monday we got up and I headed out to brunch with more good friends, Cathy and Anita.  Cathy made a yummy brunch for us and Anita made yummy cupcakes.  Anita looked in 3-4 stores for rainbow chip frosting.  I love my friends!!!   Anita ended up making her own rainbow chip frosting – what a gal!  It was great to catch up with them, even if we needed about 6 more hours to finish our talking! ha!

While I was gone, Carrie dropped Drew and the kids off at a friend of Drew’s who lives in the same neighborhood.  Drew has known Greg since elementary school.  They spent the morning with them and I got over there a little before lunch.  We all headed to lunch together and then we dropped Sloan back off at their house.  Greg, Hannah, and David did join us for an afternoon adventure to the Museum of Natural Science in downtown Raleigh.  We’d never done any museums down there so we checked it out.  I’m glad it was free because it was okay for the kids.  They had fun running around but I don’t know how interested they were in any exhibits.   We still had fun hanging out together.  We all headed out around 4pm and we got home around 6pm.

It was a fun, long weekend of celebrating my birthday!!

Another super cute outfit!
She insisted on trying on her old glasses one night.  She looked so much different.  And goofy!
Will had a pretend birthday party for me one night.  Complete with a cake.
And presents!DSC_2806
Friday at school during serendipity day.  Decorating their cookies. IMG_6412
Our super cool room at the Brookstown Inn.IMG_6415
It’s dark but it’s the only picture I have from Friday night.IMG_6416
Saturday night dance party.  Uncle Ed has moves we didn’t know about!
Will’s face is so funny!  He takes his dancing seriously!
Sunday morning present time!  Money, money, money.DSC_2824DSC_2826DSC_2828
My BFF from high school, Carrie.  We’ve hardly changed!IMG_6417
Sweet baby Nora!  I didn’t get one of all the kids but Nora is so cute!!IMG_6425
The Toothless Wonder!
Excited the tooth fairy found him in Cary!IMG_6422
Brunch with these lovely ladies!  I’ve known Cathy since high school too!  We also lived together two years.  Anita came in the picture in college so I’ve known her forever too.  Old chums are the best Smile IMG_6430
Monday afternoon at the museum.
We saw a Beaver.  We love beavers.  Especially the Hayley and Rylee Beaver kinds.
Little people under the world!
Bigger people in the world!
Drew and Greg and their offspring!  They haven’t changed either!IMG_6431

It was so much fun to catch up with so many old friends.  Old as in we’ve known them a long time, but also old as in – we are getting old.  ha!

Back at it

Christmas break was awesome.  Two weeks off of school and work (for me anyway).  As all things do, it ended.  Monday, January 5th came bright and early.  It was hard for all of us to get up and get back to the daily grind.  I like the schedule of school and work but the thought of starting it all back up was not a good one.

There wasn’t too much excitement during that week.  Lindy had an ophthalmology appointment on Jan. 6th.   She was way overdue.  We missed her yearly appointment and then when we called to reschedule that was the first they could get her in.  I took her to school but Drew picked her up an hour later and took her.  The doctor got the first ever 20/200 which is legally blind.  She’s always been close but he had never gotten it.  I’m not sure how I feel about it.  She has severe vision loss and I think I pretty much knew it but it was just different to actually hear it.  Doesn’t change anything we do for her.  He said what it could change was our taxes.  He is going to see her back in 6 months and see if he gets it again.  I told Drew I want to figure out the pros and cons to her being labeled that.  Maybe there are no cons but I am going to start asking.  He said she doesn’t really use her right eye much.  I didn’t like to hear that either.  But overall nothing major changed.  They dilated her eyes and she got the little sun glasses and she thought she was hot stuff.  She showed the office staff at school and took them out to recess.  Funny girl.

The other news for the week was the temperatures.  It got down to 9F one night – which is way low here in NC.  We thought for sure we’d get a two hour delay and we didn’t.  Everyone else in the area was on a delay but us and the next county.  It was so cold, even just walking kids into school.

Last weekend we did nothing and it was awesome.  By nothing I mean nothing outside this house but I did so much inside.  I got Xmas packed up and put up and it felt great to get my house back. I worked all weekend.  We took a break for church on Sunday morning but I stayed busy the rest of the time.  I did go grocery shopping on Sunday so I guess I did do something outside the house.

Wearing a cute new outfit
Wearing a warm outfit on the coldest day!IMG_6388
Will’s warm clothes!
Cute church clothes on Sunday

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week in Mooresville and Drew’s Birthday

We used to always go to Ohio for a week after Christmas to be with my parents and sister.  Although my parents are now in NC, I still like to spend the week with them and my sister.   We usually only see my sister and nieces twice a year (although it was 3 times this year! yay!).

The kids and I stayed the rest of the week in Mooresville while Drew came and went.  The kids love playing with their cousins and it’s easier to have them around other kids to play with than have them at home the whole time fighting with each other.

We really didn’t do a lot of outside activities but the kids played their hearts out.  We ventured out for an afternoon of bowling and dinner out.  I had my best three games of bowling ever and my possible highest ever score.  We did a lot of dancing (Just Dance 2015) and board games with the kids.

My mom, sister and I ventured out a few times to look around and get food.  I felt like all we did for a week was feed people.  We fixed breakfast, lunch and dinner.  If we weren’t fixing it we were preparing it for the next meal.  I was so tired of feeding people by the end of the week!

We spent New Year’s Eve at their house too.  The kids actually stayed up till midnight.  Much to my dismay!  Aunt Amy is definitely a cool aunt.  She had balloons for every hour that the kids got to pop.  They started tuckering out after 11pm but they held on.  When the clock struck midnight Will disappeared and we found him in bed asleep a few minutes later!

We had a great week.   It’s always interesting to see who buddies up with who.  Will and Rylee were inseparable this trip.  They did everything together.  Lindy spent more time by herself – by choice.  She wouldn’t join in with them when they asked.  Hayley was a great helper, babysitter, and aggravator to her sister!  Love spending time with them!

We had our Xmas dinner on Saturday the 27th.  Yummy prime rib!IMG_5355
We stole a Southern Family tradition and had the first Crozier Family kickball game.  It was actually fun to get out and enjoy the pretty weather.
I got all the girls these pillows you decorate and Hayley helped Lindy do hers. 
Playing Headbandz Act Up!DSC_2724DSC_2734
Dancing – check out my boy half naked.  ha ha!DSC_2743
Sweet grandkids all dolled up for New Year’s Eve!DSC_2763DSC_2767DSC_2773DSC_2782

I got to play with Rylee’s hair and did some fun braids for her!IMG_5435IMG_5439
Hayley got makeup for Xmas and did all the girls’ makeup for NYE!IMG_5447
Aunt Amy made fun drinks for the kids.IMG_5450
In which Lindy promptly went and threw up.  IMG_5453
They made it to 12am!
Thursday night we did a January birthday celebration for Drew (the 2nd), me (the 18th) and my dad (the 27th)  The kids made the sign!IMG_5454

We packed up on Friday morning and headed home.  Friday, the 2nd was Drew’s birthday!   We did presents, a birthday haircut, and we had some friends over for dinner.  I think the old man enjoyed his day.  I’m married to an old man.  Who is currently in his last year of his 30’s.  The dirty thirties as Lindy likes to call them.  Yeah, who knows!

The kids got Drew some new music on iTunes.  They got him some musicians we heard in New Orleans this summer.DSC_2793DSC_2794DSC_2796
Drew celebrating with a banana pudding.  DSC_2797