Monday, September 29, 2014

Old, Old, Old, Old Bob

GrandBob celebrated a big one this week.  The man turned 70!  Man, that’s old!  More to come on the festivities surrounding that in a minute.

The beginning of the week was same old, same old.  Will had soccer practice Tuesday night.  It was kind of cool and getting a lot darker by the end of practice. 

Thursday the kids had their 7 year well checkup at the pediatrician’s office.  Overall they are doing great and the doctor is pleased with them and how far they have come!!  I only had a couple questions this time.   I needed a prescription filled for Lindy’s inhaler and wanted to talk about Will’s weight and his car seat.  Lindy weighed 41lb and was 42.5 inches tall.  She is in the 6% for weight and 0% for height!  Will was 33lb 3.2oz (we need every ounce we can get!) and 43 inches tall.  He was in the 0% for weight and 1% for height.  She really isn’t worried about Lindy.  Given her tiny start and short mama, she will probably just be little.  We did talk a bit about Will’s weight.  He is not on any growth chart but his own.  Since birth he has been following his own curve.  He has steadily gained weight, just at smaller amounts than normal.  He did gain 3lbs last year (but 5-7 is normal).  He grew 2.5 inches and 2-3 is normal.  She said as long as he stays on his curve, she is okay with it.   She said if he ever starts dipping off of it then we need to be more concerned.  She said in a year or two we might want to visit endocrinology just to make sure everything is working right.  She said they can do the testing that would tell us how tall he would end up.  If he followed this same rate of growth he would probably end up around 5’5” – 5’6”.   It just makes you wonder how tall our kids would be if they were born at a healthy weight.  Would they be taller?  They do have a really short mom.  I know we’ll never know but I will always wonder.  We will just watch and make sure he is gaining some weight this year.  She said to keep doing Carnation instant breakfast to add a few extra calories in there.  I have them in 5 point harness car seats still and she said to keep him in there.  Lindy can technically move to the booster, and she does ride in one in Drew’s car, but I’d feel bad switching her and not him in the van.  I’m okay with it since it’s much safer anyway. 

That night at dinner Will did ask some questions about what we were talking about.  Both kids said they are the shortest in their classes.  Will asked about the height she said he would be at 18 and asked if it was bad.  Being the shortest is going to start bothering them at some point but I hope not right now.  Lindy said she was in the bathroom one day this week and some older girls said she was so cute and little and had to be in kindergarten.  She told them she was in 1st grade and they said she was lying.  She was mad about that after school.   

Friday night I played my first and only game of the season with the church softball team.  They needed another woman so I got drafted.  The last time I played softball was 8th grade!  It was a bit different and I’m a lot older.  I played 3rd base and it was kind of scary.  I’ve never played against men before and some of those balls coming whizzing at you.  I didn’t completely embarrass myself and by the end I actually stopped a ball!  The throw to first wasn’t pretty but oh well.  I actually had a decent hit the last inning too.  I might have gotten in my groove if we had played a few more innings!  ha!

The only other happening of the week was Bob’s 70th birthday.  It was on Friday and we had a surprise party for him on Saturday.  Suzette planned the whole thing and we helped her carry it out.  It was at the picnic shelter at their church at 12:30pm.  He honestly had no clue, which is awesome.  He’s usually hard to fool.  There were probably 40 people there to celebrate the old fart.   We had a yummy BBQ lunch and just chatted with everyone.  After the party we went to their house and the guys watched football.  We finally left around 7pm.  The kids fell asleep in the car which is always nice!  It was a fun day and it’s always fun to pull a big surprise off – especially on Bobby.

Today has been our normal church and laundry day.  I’ve done some cooking too.

Enjoy some pictures!

Will has been building with his Keva planks this week.DSC_1039DSC_1042
My softball player!
The kids were hiding and waiting to yell surprise!DSC_1082DSC_1086DSC_1089DSC_1112
Lindy and Matt.  Matt is Suzette’s grandson.  He has hearing loss too.
The Hula entertainment!
Suzette did a really funny little speech.DSC_1134DSC_1141
We got to meet baby Kennedy!  Lindy was so excited to hold her!  She was SO cute!
Licking the beaters!  Yum!DSC_1190DSC_1194DSC_1195

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Camping version 3.0

We went on our third camping trip this weekend. 

But first, events from the week.  If I remember right, not too much happened.  Will had soccer pictures and practice Tuesday night.  It started raining during dinner.  They moved the pictures inside and then it stopped raining.  They went outside to practice and they were actually scrimmaging the other team when they called the practice because of thunder in the distance.  So we called it an early evening and headed home.

Tuesday was also the best day of Lindy’s life.  Last Friday we ordered the last two Paw Patrol Plush Pups online and they arrived Tuesday.  I got home from work and she handed me a box and told me a box came for me.  Everyone had forgotten her pups and they had not opened it yet.  I let her help me open it and it took her a bit to figure out what was in the box.  The pups were tied up pretty tight and small in smaller bags and she didn’t recognize what they were.  But man, when she did – wow boy was she excited.  She has played with those pups all week long.  She finally has all six and she is a happy camper. 

Friday was Pirate Day and if you dress like a pirate and go to Krispy Kreme, they give you a dozen doughnuts.  Drew took them after school and they scored a dozen doughnuts each!  Then they headed straight to Hanging Rock to go camping.  They met up with GrandBob and Suzette who were already up there.  They went and did a little hike in the afternoon.  As tempting as it was to head to Target and enjoy a quiet house for the evening, I headed up there too after work.  I got there around 6pm, just as they were getting dinner started.  The kids had hotdogs and Bob made a campfire stew that was pretty tasty.   After dinner we invented a new dessert – Krispy Kreme s’mores.  We added doughnuts to our s’mores.  Talk about disgustingly good.  So disgusting I ate two of them.  And felt sick afterwards!  Suzette and I walked around the camp a couple times while the rest of them told spooky stories.  When we got back the kids were practically begging to go to bed.  Strange kids.  They LOVE sleeping bags and really love sleeping bags in tents!   They were in bed around 8:30pm!  We played a little campfire spades and Bob finally won a game.  Because he was on my team.  I guess if he wants to win he needs to partner with me, not always compete against me.   While I actually slept decent, it was still a night on the ground outside.  And then the kids were awake at 5:30am – asking to wake up.  uggggg.

Saturday morning we had to leave the campground pretty early because of Will’s soccer game at 9am.  Since the kids were up so early we were able to get everything packed up and ready to leave at 8am when the gates opened.  We headed straight to his game.  They lost again – but really, who is keeping score?  Will played defense the entire game and was a little more timid this game than last.  He didn’t go to the ball as much as last week.  What he did do was take a ball in the forehead!  Not on purpose but the big kicker on the other team was taking a shot on goal and it bounced directly off of Will’s forehead.  It went over the goal so he actually kept the other team from scoring.  But man, he was shell shocked!  There was a delayed response but it shocked him so much.  One of his teammates (and classmates) came over to him and he put his hand to his head and finally started crying.  Everyone thought it was cool and was giving him fives.  Once he realized it was cool and he saved the other team from scoring, he was okay.  He got back on the field and finished the game, too.   Saturday afternoon we tailgated and went to our second Wake Forest football game.  We tailgated with the usual crew.  My parents, the Byrants, Ed and Jamie, and Bob and Suzette.  They won, too!  It was a fun but tiring day.

Today we had church and then Drew and I went to a play with Ed and Jamie.  We saw ‘Into the Woods.’  It was really good, even if it was almost three hours.  Martha came over and stayed with the kids.  When she got there Lindy asked if it was time for us to go.  When we got home she asked if Martha had to leave and then suggested we leave again. We missed her, too! 

Pictures from the week. 

Will finished his newest lego mountain house.  DSC_1012
This one was super cool because it swung open.  DSC_1013
Lindy and her pups!
Sneak peaks of soccer picturesIMG_5478IMG_5479
We visited our neighbor one evening.  Lindy loves their dog, Sparky.IMG_5485

Cooking dinner Friday night.DSC_1022
Will got to bring home his class mascot for the weekend. 
Carmen had a fun weekend with us!DSC_1023DSC_1024
Making the Krispy Kreme s’mores.  Roasting doughnuts on the campfire!
Check out that gooey goodness!DSC_1027DSC_1028
Our home Friday night.DSC_1030
One second after the ball hit Will.  DSC_1033
His friend, Jose, walking him off the field.DSC_1034
The other team had possibly the biggest kid in the league and we have possibly the smallest!DSC_1038
At the Wake game Saturday.  Five skydivers landed on the field!IMG_5494IMG_5495IMG_5496

If you will, say a prayer for a little boy named Parker.  He is 6 years old and went to preschool with Lindy and Will.  He was diagnosed Friday with Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  He is having surgery tomorrow and will start chemo.  I’ve been so shaken by this news all day. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Anna’s Bachelorette Party

Nothing much with the kids happened last week.  Lindy didn’t feel great on Monday morning and sounded even worse.  But she ate breakfast and was acting okay so off to school we went.  It was one time I kind of felt bad for making her go to school.  I told her teacher she wasn’t 100% and then emailed her teacher during specials but she wrote back saying she seemed to be fine.  Finally after that I stopped feeling guilty.  She was fine when I got home.  We had her inhaler going every 4 hours and she was much better by Tuesday morning.

Monday morning Will was on Eagle Eye News, the little news show the school puts on.  He won the trivia contest the Friday before so he got to read the new trivia question on Monday and Tuesday.  I stayed and watched him Monday morning and Drew watched Tuesday morning.  After the official news show is over everyone that took part goes behind the anchors and dances.  Well, they are supposed to dance.  Monday there were 3 kids dancing, one being Will.  He was rocking the whole song!  He doesn’t care no one else around him is dancing!  

Tuesday I had to head out of town to Raleigh for state meetings for work.  I left Tuesday morning and got home Wednesday night.  Tuesday night was curriculum night at school and for the second year in a row, I missed it.  The kids went to Uncle Ed’s house while Drew went to school.  He went to Lindy’s class again this year.  

The rest of the week was pretty boring.  The kids and I went to Target Friday night and they both cashed in some birthday money.  Will walked away with a new DS game and a new lego set and Lindy got a pound puppy.  She used her cash to order some things on Amazon.  She is patiently waiting for her last two beloved Paw Patrol pups to complete her collection.

Saturday we were all up and at ‘em early but we were off to different places.  Drew took the kids and headed to Will’s soccer game.  He played defense and goalie and Drew said he did pretty good.  He said he started going to the ball and did better after that.   After the soccer game they ran home to change clothes and eat and then Lindy went to Claire’s birthday party at 1pm.  They went and saw Dolphin Tale 2 at the movie theater and then back to the Bryants’ house for cake and ice cream.  Will and Drew dropped Lindy off and then went to the book store and to play putt putt and arcade games.  They picked Lindy up and headed home for dinner.

I didn’t hang with the family that day because I was going to hang out with Anna for her bachelorette party.  Thankfully she wasn’t into the clubbing scene so we did something a lot more tame and age appropriate – a winery tour.  I set it all up with a local company and we met at a hotel in Bermuda Run at 10am that morning.  There were four of us and we were on a tour with four other people.  We went to four wineries and had lunch and got back after 5pm.   It was a really fun day.  I’ve always wanted to do one of the winery tours so I’m glad we got to go.  I won’t say I love NC wine but there were a couple good ones at most places.  It was interesting to see how all the wineries were different.   I hope Anna had fun on her little day out.  She wasn’t happy that I made her wear bride stuff but oh well – she did! 

Today we went to church and we’ve been around the house all day.  Will has been working on his new lego set and Lindy is playing with her paw patrol pups. 

I took hardly any pics of the kids.  But a few from the wine tour. 

Will on Eagle Eye News
Dancing it up!

The beautiful Bride-to-Be!
We found the blushing bride among the grape vines!DSC_0983DSC_0986DSC_0989DSC_0990DSC_0991DSC_0993DSC_0994
Our tour group was a lot of fun.  Props to the lone guy in the group!DSC_0995DSC_1008IMG_5468