I’m trying to think of anything exciting that happened this week. We got more snow on Tuesday. (And today actually! What?!) Thankfully there was no accumulation and it was just pretty to look at. Will’s tee ball was cancelled again. Every Tuesday night practice has been cancelled due to snow except the very first one on March 11th. This winter has been too wild. Hopefully April will bring completely new and different weather than March had!
The most fun we had was this weekend. Friday night the kids and I finally watched Frozen. We had been listening to the cd for a couple weeks but hadn’t seen it. Now we understand the songs! It was kind of scary – for my scaredy cats anyways.
Saturday we went to the 4th Annual Eggsplosion. It’s the Easter Egg hunt for visually impaired children. The local bomb squad made these beeping eggs so kids who can’t see can find them by following their sounds. Lindy really has no problem visually seeing them but it really is a great thing for so many kids who have gotten left out of egg hunts in years past. We love to go and see Lindy’s old vision teachers and friends we now know after going for four years. The Corporal in charge of the bomb squad is so nice and we enjoy seeing her each year. It grows every year, so it’s fun to experience new stuff each time. Will enjoys it just as much as Lindy! The news channels were there again this year and Lindy got a 2-3 second clip on one station. It’s been good press for her. One year we were interviewed and another year her picture was in the paper. That child gets around the news!
The Wake Forest Demon Deacon was there this year. He was a new addition. My kids have so many pictures with the Deacon. We attend a lot of Wake events and see him there. But then he seems to show up at events related to Lindy and her vision or hearing loss. I have pictures of my kids doing crazy stuff with the Deacon. Like just Lindy and the Deacon under a giant parachute. Random. Saturday we got pictures of Lindy and the Deacon doing yoga together and Will racing the Deacon. So fun and such great pictures!
Today we had church and then we just dropped our kids off with my parents. It’s officially spring break but ummmm, we have to work. They are spending a couple days at my parents, a couple days at home, and GrandBob and Suzette are spending a couple days here with them. Making do with child care this week. Drew and I are heading out to dinner – yay!
Enjoy the pictures!
Heading out to hunt eggs
Lindy with her old vision teach, Ms. Pam. Ms. Pam taught her from ages 3-5. Ms. Pam is blind and Ms. Sue, standing with Will, is her helper. She was Ms. Pam’s eyes. We enjoyed seeing both of them!
Is that McGruff the Police Dog?
Will enjoyed running the races!
Running her first of many races.
Of course she needed to hold the tape.
And of course he did too.
Finding the beeping eggs! There was enough other stuff this year that they didn’t spend long hunting eggs this year. Lindy went a couple times but Will just went once.
Playing a little cornhole.
Will had some impressive aim. Must take after his mother (right Bob?!)
Seeing one of two bunnies. This one kept walking around with his head off. He has normal hands, anyone notice that? This Easter Bunny must not play the Easter Bunny too often. I kept steering the kids a different direction when I’d see the headless Easter Bunny!
This one stayed in costume much better. But I thought he was kind of creepy looking.
And then their fave, the Deacon, showed up! I think the kids might think the Deacon is one of their actual friends! ha!
He pulled her bow and she was laughing at him!
Yoga Time with your favorite mascot. I mean, who doesn’t do yoga with their favorite mascot. She was a little confused at first but caught right on!
Ta da! I didn’t realize till later that they are coordinating colors. ha!
She stuck her head all the way through and I had to get her out! ha!
First time petting a chicken!
First time holding a chicken!
Thankfully she was gentle with the eggs and thankfully it was another kid who later smashed one.
Ms. Angie! She is so sweet to the kids!
Lindy, Angie, and Tater Tot the Easter pony!
Group hug with a really mangy lion!
Making beautiful music.
Doesn’t the Deacon always hold the winning tape?
Will got to race some fun people. He raced a bunny (thankfully with his head on).
Smoking him!
And he raced the Deacon! Ready, Set, GO!!
Will in disbelief and loving life!
Will wins! The Deacon crashed at the finish line!
Conceding defeat to my 6 year old! ha!