Sunday, February 23, 2014

End of Basketball

The kids didn’t have much going on this week.  Will did have his last basketball game of the season.  Maybe of his life.  ha ha. 

The season was a bit rough for awhile but I think he got over the buzzer (for the most part) and actually had fun the last few games.

His game was cancelled last Saturday because of the snow and they made it up on Tuesday night.  My parents came over to watch his game and get a good laugh from it.  It was our night to bring snacks too.  It was another wild work week and I made what I could over the weekend.  I made cupcakes Sunday night and went to frost them Monday night but I couldn’t find the frosting.  It was gone.  Drew went to get more Tuesday for me.  Thankfully they helped frost the cupcakes for me so we could get to the game.  (I eventually found the frosting – it had dropped in the recycling box in the pantry). 

Friday Drew and I went and ate lunch with the kids at school.  I had lunch with Will and his friend James at 11:10am.  Drew came to eat lunch with Lindy at 11:30am and they ended up sitting with us as well.  I went back to Will’s class with him and got to read their afternoon story.  It was fun and I think the kids liked it.  Lindy is a funny girl.  Drew walked with Lindy back to her class after lunch but first they stopped at the bathroom.  Lindy’s teacher lets them play the quiet game in the hall.  She picks someone she thinks is being really quiet.  That person gets to come up and pick someone they think is being really quiet.  This little girl was up there and Drew said Lindy kept whispering “Charlotte, pick me”  Totally not being quiet.  For whatever reason, Charlotte picked Lindy.  Lindy got up there and said, “I pick Drew Southern!”  Drew had to go be the next person.  He said all the kids thought it was hilarious!  Lindy is too funny. 

After a long week at work (with 3 very early mornings) I got off a bit early from work on Friday and got home before the kids.  We decided to go see the Lego movie.  We watched the show and came back for a late dinner.  It was a cute movie.  Lindy ended up on my lap but did pretty well otherwise.

Saturday Will had a friend, Jacob, over to play.  He came at 11:30am and stayed a couple hours.  We ended up outside because it was so pretty out.  They rode their Jeep, bikes, played soccer and jumped on the stomp rocket.  I think they all had fun.  Jacob left and Lindy and I ran out for a few errands.  I had to bribe her to get her to come with me. 

I’m glad this week is over.  We had 5 March of Dimes kick offs in three days and it was exhausting.  I had to be somewhere at 6am two days in a row and somewhere (30 mins from my house) at 7:30am another day.  There were some late nights getting ready too.  But they are over and they went well. 

Today we had church and a pot luck at church.  We played outside because the weather was beautiful again.  We practiced a little baseball since both are going to be playing this spring!  We are signing Lindy up for a Challenger league and she is so excited. 

It’s been a great weekend!  Here are some pictures.

Basketball treats for Will’s team.  Cupcakes for the last game!DSC_7853          Oranges with black stripes drawn to look like basketballs. DSC_7919
The little tag for the outside of the bag.DSC_7918
We also put some cheese balls in there.  Look how nasty his hands were after putting them in the bags! DSC_7852
Saying their pledge.
Dribble, dribble
Completely faced the opposite direction of the game –watching the clock!
Giving the thumbs up!
He hardly stands still.  He was doing jumping jacks that night!DSC_7893
He actually stole the ball and headed down court with it!DSC_7903DSC_7909
My beauty!  I loved her cute outfit that day.  I brought home one of the centerpieces from our kick offs and she matched it!.  I love this picture!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Snow Much Fun

It’s been a bad work week so this is my first chance to blog this week.  The long nights are over (for right now) and I’ve got time to write my post!

Last Monday, February 10, was the kids 100th day of school.  They took their projects and had a little party with their class.  Their hallway and each doorway was all decorated.  They had a fun day!

Starting at the beginning of last week they started talking about a large snowfall.   As in they were calling for up to 12 inches of snow.  The forecasts all varied about how much and when it was coming.  We cancelled three things at work and rescheduled them for this week (hence the bad week!).  They cancelled school on Wednesday and I worked from home.  We waited and waited and it finally started mid afternoon.  It snowed and snowed the rest of Wednesday and most of Thursday too.  We ended up with at least 8 inches of snow.  A rare thing for this neck of the woods.   The world shut down after that for a few days.  Of course I had to work from home but I did take some breaks to check out the snow.  We went out once Thursday morning and then later that afternoon.  Drew took the kids out Friday morning as well.

The kids enjoyed the snow.  They stayed out about an hour each time.  Lindy ate her weight in snow and Will really enjoyed sledding.  We never got a snowman built but we took pictures with the neighbors’ snowman.  We played with our neighbors quite a bit which the kids enjoyed.

We finally ventured out Saturday to sign Will up for Tee ball and we checked out the church parking lot.  We also ate lunch at a new little cafĂ© in town.  Sunday we had church and Will and I ran out in the afternoon to do a couple errands.  He got a much needed haircut. 

Enjoy our snow pictures. 

She helped make snow cream on Wednesday afternoon!DSC_7749
Checking out snow fall.  Even Jack was curious!
My rain gauge was full!DSC_7782DSC_7802DSC_7813DSC_7814
Her hat twisted around so it was practically covering her eyes!DSC_7816
Her snow mound! DSC_7818DSC_7821
A snow skier!
Five minutes after taking a picture the whole thing toppled!  DSC_7827
He would slide down and give everyone the thumbs up!DSC_7831DSC_7833
Valentines Day!  It was slightly overlooked by the snow.  I had something for Lindy and I ran out and got something for Will on Wednesday before it snowed.  DSC_7834
He got the Jungle Book movie!DSC_7836DSC_7837
Lindy found my old jewelry box at my parents’ house over Xmas and wanted it.  I found her this cute one that she loves!DSC_7841
She was posing for me.  What a nut!
My Valentines (well, Drew, too!)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Finally a Normal Week

After the snow melted the kids finally had a normal, full week of school.  And we had a normal week of work.  It was pretty normal which meant it was pretty boring.

Will had basketball practice Tuesday night and GrandBob came up to watch.  Will has so much fun in his practice.  My friend, Julie, whose son is on Will’s team, played pirates with Lindy the whole practice.  She was so nice to play with her the whole time! 

Thursday Lindy had PT for the first time in like 4 months.  Last time we went was October and we went back to the high brace.  Thankfully she looks pretty good.  We are taking the top strap off her brace and wearing the low brace after school and on weekends.  She wants her to build some strength in her calf muscles.  She said one is larger than the other.  Apparently the tall brace doesn’t make her calf work as much.  She showed her some awesome walking on the steps, alternating without holding on.  I would never actually let her do this but it’s good that she can.  She showed her some great standing with one foot in front of the other.  She can now jump on one foot with her right foot but can’t on her left foot.  But she said that would be hard in the tall brace.  We need to keep working on jumping with two feet together (which she was doing great tonight) and jumping on one foot on the left. 

Friday night we went out to eat and got Krispy Kreme doughnuts for dessert.  Yum!  Saturday Will had another basketball game and did about the same.  No tears and he was actually having some fun.  Still watched the clock but doing better.  We had another busy Saturday.  The kids finished their 100th day of school projects and finished their Valentines.  We even made Valentine cookies.  Store bought but home decorated!  Saturday night we headed to church for a yummy dinner and had fun playing Bingo.  None of us actually won at Bingo but we had fun.  Lindy didn’t really play and Will got mad that he didn’t win.  But it was still fun!

Yesterday we had church and then we went to the 80th birthday party of one of our past church members.  It was a surprise party and it was so fun!  Louise had told someone that she just wanted to sing and listen to good music so the first hour was a hymn sing and then there was a reception.  It was fun to see our old church members!


Krispy Kreme doughnuts!
100 Mickeys for 100 days of school!  While in Disney World we took pictures of 100 different Mickeys.  We ordered them and cut them out and the kids glued and taped them on posters!  We worked hard on these!
Valentine cookies Saturday afternoon.  Always an adventure to make cookies. 
Finishing up her Valentines!
Drew helping Will finish his Valentines!DSC_7735DSC_7738
Looking dapper for church on Sunday!

Beautiful girl!