It’s that time of year again! Team Million Dollar Babies is back and ready to raise money for the March of Dimes. We are gearing up to raise LOTS and LOTS of money to help fight against premature birth and birth defects. This is the 5th year that the Million Dollar Babies has walked with the March of Dimes. In the past four years, our team has raised $18299.75!! We’re serious about raising money for babies.
Did you know that in the United States, 1 in 8 babies is born too early. That is about half a million babies in the US born too soon. Worldwide, almost 13 million babies are born too early. Premature birth is the number one killer of newborns. Wouldn’t you feel good knowing you helped fight against prematurity? Wouldn’t it feel great to help find a cure for the number one killer of newborns? We need to work to get to the day when all babies are born full term and healthy.
I’m sure most of you know why we walk for the March of Dimes. Lindy, Will, and Adam were born at 25 weeks and 2 days on July 30, 2007. They weighed 1lb 9oz, 1lb 14oz, and 1lb 13oz. Their birthday should have been a joyous occasion and instead it was the worst day of our lives. We were beyond scared for our babies. The day proceeded to only get worse when Adam passed away 12 hours after birth. I wish no one had to ever sit by babies’ bedsides for months or bury their babies. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
Lindy and Will are 4.5 years old now and doing remarkably well. They definitely benefited by research funded by the March of Dimes. Specifically, something called surfactant gave their lungs a fighting chance those first few days.
Join us as we fight with the March of Dimes to end prematurity and birth defects. It will be an amazing, happy, and glorious day when all babies are born healthy.
How can you get involved?
1. Donate to our March for Babies personal page. No donation is too small. We take every dollar we can get! (or click Donate Now on the MOD Badge at the very top)
2. Join the Million Dollar Babies team. Walk and raise money with the Million Dollar Babies team. On my personal page click “Walk With Me”. (Or click Walk With Me on MOD Badge at the very top of the page).
The walk is April 21st, at Corpening Plaza in downtown Winston-Salem. Registration is from 8:30-9:30am and the walk begins at 10am. Let me know if you have any questions!
And now a message from Lindy and Will: